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Kazakhstan entered the list of the best countries to travel

The ranking was compiled by Lonely Planet

Oct 23, 2024 21:07 39

Kazakhstan entered the list of the best countries to travel  - 1

Lonely Planet has announced Kazakhstan as one of the best countries to travel to in its annual ranking for 2025. Each year, Lonely Planet experts carefully select destinations based on recommendations from travelers, staff, authors and other travel professionals. In 2025 the choice fell on Kazakhstan, which stands out among other countries with its rich history, diverse landscapes and unique cultural heritage.

Erzhan Erkinbaev, Deputy Minister of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, notes: “Kazakhstan's inclusion in the Best in Travel 2025 rating of such an authoritative publication as Lonely Planet reflects the growing interest worldwide to tourism in Kazakhstan. Continuing to promote the country's authentic culture and diverse nature internationally, we remain committed to the principles of sustainable tourism.

Nitya Chambers, senior vice president of content and executive editor at Lonely Planet, said: “Best in Travel 2025 is our latest version of our annual love message to the world. We're proud of the destinations we've included in this edition, and we're happy to share the in-depth understanding and local knowledge that underpins our recommendations. We're sure our list will inspire travelers to make new discoveries next year”.

Kazakhstan, which entered this prestigious list, is described as a country where ancient traditions and modernity are intertwined and every visitor can find something unique for himself. The Lonely Planet publication says: “Kazakhstan is not just a place to visit, it is a whole world to discover, a journey worth taking and a history to be a part of. The rustle of the ancient Silk Road can be felt in the endless steppes surrounding the cities of Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan's tourism potential is highly appreciated by well-known world tourism publications. We will remind you that “Conde Nast Traveler“ and “Wanderlust” included Kazakhstan in the top world travel destinations in 2024. Also, the city of Almaty entered the TOP 52 of the best tourist destinations according to The New York Times.

Lonely Planet is a leading international publisher of travel guides and travel information, providing detailed travel advice and recommendations. The publication has been around for more than 50 years, starting in 1973. Lonely Planet publishes guidebooks in more than 14 languages and covers 195 countries. Lonely Planet not only offers information about destinations, but also inspires people to travel by publishing articles and lists of the best places to visit, such as Best in Travel.

Best in Travel is a meaningful and important event for the global travel community that showcases the most relevant and inspiring travel destinations. In 2025, this annual ranking is published for the 15th time. The focus is on countries and regions that offer unique experiences and demonstrate a commitment to the principles of sustainable tourism.