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The important news in FAKTI on 30.04.2024

They blamed the decision of the budget committee

Apr 30, 2024 22:30 155

The important news in FAKTI on 30.04.2024  - 1

Through final provisions in the law, the deputies returned the zero rate on bread and flour

Reversal of the reversal with the rate for flour and bread. A little earlier, after the MPs did not accept the Bill on Amendments and Supplements to the Law on Personal Income Taxes in a second vote, it became clear that the 20% VAT on bread and flour is being returned.

Velizar Shalamanov: There is a risk to national security

"There are risks to national security, but as far as defense is concerned, it is guaranteed. And with the capabilities available to our army, and above all with our membership in NATO, and with the defense plans, which already include our territory". This was commented by the former Minister of Defense Velizar Shalamanov in the program "The Day ON AIR".

BSP: The contract for F-16 fighters buries the Bulgarian army

„A year ago you started as a coalition of war and now this parliament ends the same way. It is obvious that you have learned nothing in this one year.“ This is how the People's Representative from the “BSP for Bulgaria” Borislav Gutsanov to the representatives of the former rulers in the parliament, this was reported by Positano 20.

According to him, there is probably no more shameful contract than the one for the F-16 aircraft.

"There should have been a coalition a long time ago, who signed it and how, and I'm sure that sooner or later there will be," Gutsanov emphasized.

Approved granting of pensions for repressed and Turkish emigrants

With 124 votes "for", 52 "against" and 8 abstentions, the parliament voted on first reading changes to the Law on Political and Civil Rehabilitation of Repressed Persons, which provides for a 50% increase in the pension supplement and the creation of a new legal framework in the Social Security Code, where there will already be a pension for repression .

Gabriela Peeva, accused of murdering her husband: There is justice in Bulgaria

After three months behind bars, the Sofia Court of Appeal released Gabriela Peeva, accused of the death of her husband Peyo Peev, under house arrest. Together with her mother Krasimira Trifonova, they were detained in January after the man's body was found in Vitosha, "Nova TV" recalled.

Rumiana Kolarova and Krasimir Karakachanov in a bitter dispute about the role of Bulgaria in Europe< /p>

Europe is our home. Our home, to whose shores boats with illegal migrants sink. A Europe in which the European Prosecutor Laura Köveschi must intervene to stop the misuse of Community funds. The place where Bulgaria guards the external border, but is not allowed to its neighbors without inspection. Our Europe, in which all countries have the right to vote, but the big ones impose their will on the likes of us. Europe, which has a problem with the Green Deal, with transporters, with farmers. A community of writers for all values and solidarity in which nationalism is rampant. More than 400 million Europeans will decide how to change their home on June 9. In the show “Jaws” the political scientist Prof. Rumyana Kolarova and the leader of VMRO Krasimir Karakachanov clashed their points of view.

Bonev: We have not lied to the citizens of the capital about the repair of "Patriarh Evtimii" Blvd.

„We have categorically not lied to the citizens of the capital about the “Patriarch Euthymius” Blvd. Everything we've said publicly is true. The renovation of “Patriarch Euthymius” and of “Vitosha” started with an order of the mayor for construction and installation works – fixing the holes, leveling the shafts”. This was stated by the municipal councilor from the PP-DB-SS Boris Bonev in the program “The Live Day” on NOVA NEWS.

A truck hit the mayor's official car of Krichim

A truck hit the official car of the Municipality of Krichim, in which the mayor of the city, Atanas Kalchev, was riding. The accident happened on the road Plovdiv - Krichim, in the area of Kadievo, reported "Nova TV".

Vanya Grigorova: I want to have a decisive voice

Many things can be done in the municipality. Since the time when the Metropolitan Municipal Council started working, we have done quite a few things. Much of the decisions at the local level depend on the decisions at the national level. This was stated by the leader of “Solidary Bulgaria” and municipal councilor Vanya Grigorova in the program “Face to Face” on BTV.

Atanas Atanasov: Everyone's talking about Coral, but what's the scandal?

„Yesterday morning I watched all the news, it all started with the “Coral” scandal. What scandal is there? Whether there are forged signatures, someone has to prove it. But here there is a lawyer's secret and it cannot be distributed publicly.“

Another wall of AM "Struma" may collapse

Motorway “Struma” remains closed at the beginning of the holidays in the direction of Sofia. This became clear on Tuesday afternoon. Although teams have dealt with the landslide, checks still need to be made. The reason - another one of the retaining walls may have been compromised, NOVA reports.

According to the experts from the Agency “Road Infrastructure” and the company that maintains the route, behind the concrete wall there is a mass of land that is possible to collapse.

“At the moment the landmass is cleared. Fallen retaining wall segments are broken to free the web for traffic. Due to the fact that the second concrete wall has the beginnings of tilting, we plan to clear the ground mass behind it as well, said engineer Stoyan Nikolov, a member of the Management Board of the Road Infrastructure Agency.

Field clearance continues. “On May 2, by noon, the traffic should be opened in two lanes. As for May 5 and 6, when the big take-off is expected, we will open the freeway entirely. The goal is to observe the situation for one or two days, he added.

Velislav Minekov: It is time for new protests. I don't see any other way!

It is time for new protests, because that alone disturbs these criminal types who want to take over the country. I don't see another way.

Rien ne vas plus: Parliament banned gambling advertising in the media

Finally – Parliament banned gambling advertising in electronic and print media. This happened at an extraordinary session of the National Assembly. Advertising will remain allowed only on billboards and in sports halls located far from schools, reports NOVA.

It was accepted that there would be gambling halls only in settlements with more than 10 thousand inhabitants.

The texts have already caused strong reactions among a number of industry organizations. Sports federations have also spoken against it, because they will lose sponsors and funding for sports. The adoption of the changes in the law took place despite the 22 opinions sent to the parliament by various associations and companies, in which significant concerns were expressed and a discussion of the changes was demanded before they were put to a vote in the plenary hall.

The Association of Bulgarian Radio and Television Broadcasters came out with a strong position and proposed urgent talks. Experts say that the texts can lead to serious problems for the media and sports as well, as well as redirecting users to illegal bets.

In an official position, the NOVA BROADCASTING GROUP states that the adoption of the texts in such unprecedentedly shortened terms and without discussion with the interested parties, may seriously threaten the economic independence of the media. Especially on the eve of early parliamentary and European Parliament elections.

Deputies did not accept the repeal of the alternative tax for picking mushrooms, herbs and berries

With the voices of PP-DB, "Revival" and the BSP parliament rejected the amendments to the Personal Income Tax Act on second reading. The votes of the deputies from GERB-SDS, DPS and ITN in support of the amendments were not enough, and since even the title of the bill was not adopted, its consideration in the plenary hall was suspended.

AKF : The new member of the Administrative Board of API, appointed yesterday, is associated with suspicions of serious misuse of public funds

Official Regional Minister Violeta Koritarova has appointed as a new member of the Management Board of the “Road Infrastructure” Eng. Vencislav Atanasov, former director of the municipal company “Blagoevgrad invest 2016” Ltd., owned by the Municipality of Blagoevgrad. This was reported by the Anti-Corruption Fund. -no-po-golama-suma">The official cabinet continues to distribute money - today only to three institutions, but a larger amount

The caretaker government provides the necessary BGN 295 million to pay the „Ukrainian aid” to farmers. Today's decision of the Council of Ministers approves the necessary BGN 235 million for the State Fund “Agriculture” for disbursement of aid, according to the Temporary Framework for State Aid Measures in Crisis and Transition to Support the Economy after Russia's Aggression against Ukraine.

Deputies supported the President's veto on the Investment Promotion Law

Deputies from the parliamentary Committee on Economic Policy and Innovation voted at their meeting today in support of the veto imposed on April 29 by President Rumen Radev on the amendments to the Law on the Promotion of Investments, adopted on April 19. 10 people's representatives voted against the re-adoption of the law, BTA reported. da-osiguri-izbori-blagopriatni-za-gerb-i-dps-nezavisimo-v-kakvo-se-kalne">Tatyana Doncheva: Dimitar Glavchev's task is to ensure elections favorable to GERB and DPS, regardless of what he swears by

People should ask themselves the question "WHO - in three capital letters - is standing behind?", so that there are no later lied to, confused, apologizing, etc.