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Diana Damyanova: The last hundred hours

If nothing else, at least one thing is certain. The Bulgarian people have a great and good sense of humor

Jun 14, 2024 11:46 80

Diana Damyanova: The last hundred hours  - 1

Borisov shows that he is respected, even startled by the refusal of the Bulgarian citizens to “participate in the circus” and suggests something that he thinks would be more acceptable.

And indeed, withdrawing the claim that he will be prime minister somehow makes the offer more palatable.

This commented on "Facebook" Diana Damyanova.

From there on, the “logorea” of Borisov,

in which he said many contradictory things. An expert but political government, the important posts for GERB people, but apparently finances are not important, sending invitations to everyone, even though those he most wants to invite have already said that they will not participate, sending the same failed on the rotation a women's negotiating team that may be cool but decidedly lacks real negotiating powers and…. holding a leadership meeting only when the agreement is reached, i.e. for the solemn part with the signatures. Something like a ribbon.

DPS is puffed up with pride, although it does not show it openly, of the success it has achieved for itself, but it is well aware that it can be seen alone in the general context. Peevski made his call for the gathering of the Euro-Atlantic forces, something that leads to further repulsion of the voter, because that's exactly the kind of government we've had so far.

And in general, Peevski's Euro-Atlantic vocabulary is a little too much, and against the background of the patriotic vocabulary that is being spread around, it is downright anti-advertising.

And in general, the story of Euro-Atlantic Bulgaria is very poorly told, both by politicians and political scientists.

And the “new Peevski”, who had been building an image a little on the Trumpist model for nearly a year,

as if he too quickly adopted the very vocabulary that turns people off.

It is true that his people will not push back much, because for 80% of them the Bulgarian language is not their mother tongue, but it is unlikely that the new Peevski wants to resemble the masses of politicians. He probably doesn't want to, but with his Euro-Atlantic vocabulary, that's exactly what he does

PP have taken note. They understood that the people sent them in opposition and….. first they will tell us what they will do next.

Ha ha ha, the main problem was communication!

Well, it is not. The main problem is political, of political decisions and the anti-democratic way in which they are taken. Communication cannot explain the inexplicable.

If they want something new, let them include a citizen board in decision-making. Because they are now taken from the 3rd or 4th and communicated post factum even to that thing called “organs” of the party.

In general, the PE behaves like a sole proprietorship, where decisions are made solely and are “reduced” to perform.

But the people do not want to fulfill them.

And here comes the DB, which silently accepted the rather controversial, not to say insane, decisions of the PP, but now it is inclined to get angry with its people.

And this is not new. Kostov did it. The result is well known.

There is some hope in Radan Kanev's words, but it still seems to me that the party nomenclature will take the microgeneral's words about the preserved political influence at face value and let this pillar of right-wing thinking in the country flow down the drain, together with its uncritical associate partners.

Revival is wounded, to the point where it doesn't fit in its skin.

But how so on their field – the terrain of insanity, the pro-Russian slogans, the “anti-war” rhetoric, etc., but how will another competitor run like that. And not only will he run, but he will take clean flesh from them.

This pain will last a long time and will deepen, because new and new forces will push into this populist-pro-Russian-patriotic bottomless territory and it will hurt in the next elections. It will hurt even more.

The disaster of the BSP is indisputable.

Cornelia Ninova admitted her and as if this time she really wants to take responsibility for her.

But this is not a disaster of Cornelia, but a disaster of the model of bringing a socialist with elements of a communist party into the 21st century.

It won't happen. The efforts are pointless, and the chance of this party becoming social democratized is zero. I.e. it will flow down the drain.

Now, however, she is being given the opportunity to touch power again. And its management knows how to materialize the results of this.

ITN is back in the game.

Recovers part of the waste of the previous years vote.

But the dilemma – splitting or joining is so strong that probably even they themselves /who they really are/ don't know the answer.

The dilemma there is – we come into power and prove quality… or we go to new elections and pray to God.

They have quality, only the potential Finance Minister Nikolay Vassilev is proof of that.

But do they have the political flexibility and verbal ability to “sell” of the Bulgarian people, I don't know that.

This Majesty is truly majestic.

It is the answer of the Bulgarian citizens to the assemblies and their failure.

We send jokers to the parliament, you think about it further – this is the message from the electorate.

And the stories of this person with an unknown rank that he was going to meet only with the leader of GERB is a very cool and completely correct attempt to become a factor by comparing himself to the big ones.

Finally, somehow Borisov will do it. A little more or a little less convincing.

Not because of the image of the incoming president. No!

Because with the very act of stepping down from the presidency / with the expiration of his term or ahead of schedule / Radev will lose a huge part of his halo. Because his halo is big, precisely because he is non-political.

By becoming one of them, he will measure up to them.

Finally, I confirm my confidence that if we do go to quick elections, the party of the “flat earth” or the party of the big spaghetti monster, as well as another set of wonderful alternatives.

If nothing else, at least one thing is certain.

The Bulgarian people have a great and good sense of humor.