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The court did not proceed with the case against lawyer Petar Iliev

Development of the trial

Jul 15, 2024 22:04 515

The Sofia City Court failed to proceed with the case against lawyer Petar Iliev, accused of plagiarism. The prosecutor's office accused Iliev of having used materials from a scientific work by associate professor Nataliya Kiselova without citing her as the author.

Reasons for the postponement of the case

The main reason for the postponement of the case is that lawyer Petar Iliev was not summoned regularly and on time. He was served with the summons five days ago, which is contrary to the legal requirement of seven days before the court hearing. This discrepancy has led to the impossibility of the court to start the case.

An additional obstacle to the initiation of the case is the fact that associate professor Nataliya Kiselova, who is the injured person in the case, was also not summoned. The prosecution emphasized the importance of Kiselova's presence as a key witness and victim.

Statements of the parties

Lawyer Petar Iliev expressed bewilderment before the court as to why he was not regularly summoned, pointing out that until now he had always been found by representatives of the judicial system. He noted that it is not clear why the procedure was not followed correctly this time.