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Karakachanov: There are more helicopters, but they are standing in the hangars because of Euro-Atlantic solidarity of the academician-prime minister

As always, in this disaster too, they threw the army to help. And she helps. As I see it, almost with bare hands

Jul 18, 2024 16:48 211

Fires have been burning Bulgaria to ashes for weeks now. Hundreds of thousands of acres of forests, meadows, crops, agricultural and residential buildings were destroyed. Ministers and politicians in white shirts pose anxiously against the ashes and make promises.

This was recalled on "Facebook" the chairman of VMRO Krasimir Karakachanov.

As always, in this disaster too, the army was thrown in to help. And she helps.

As I see it, almost with bare hands.

The same army, the same men and women in uniform, whose salaries are not being raised and they have forgotten them. The Ground Forces guys put out fires by hand! Only two helicopters are involved in extinguishing the fires and they cannot smoke because there are many fire stations in different parts of the country. And the helicopter crews are in the air for 9 hours a day and don't have a minute to rest.

One helicopter is a Cougar and the other a Mi-17. The Cougar helicopter can carry a maximum of 1 ton of water per course. One ton! Why don't the other Mi-17 helicopters that carry 3-3.5 tons of water fly? Are you wondering too? If you ask the politicians, they won't answer you. That's why I will answer you. Because from February 2022, sorry, our Euro-Atlanticians do not support them.

Because they are Russian, i.e. hostile and should not spend money to give it to Putin – as they will tell you, because Putin is at war with fraternal Ukraine. They do not support them, although we have a Bulgarian state enterprise of the Ministry of Defense – TEREM Letets Sofia, if I paraphrase the former prime minister, academician on detergents,

„ Bulgaria may burn, but the important thing is that Putin loses”.

Just another note for our panicked rulers. In the reserve of the army, there are also three Mi-14 helicopters, a marine version, which can carry up to 5 tons of water for extinguishing, but they are also standing in the hangars and out of Euro-Atlantic solidarity, again in defiance of Putin, they are not being repaired.

Fire trucks are also missing. You remember what I offered when Denkov and Tagarev donated 120 pcs. Ukraine's APCs not fit for modern warfare? I proposed that half be sold and with the money received the rest be repaired and re-equipped for firefighting and disaster and accident use. There was silence. Even from the same national media that today are running in panic and reporting on the fires.

And in order not to lie to you with the argument that this cannot be done, I will tell you that another state enterprise of the Ministry of Defense – TEREM Ivaylo in the town of Veliko Tarnovo, has developed a project for the conversion of these same T60 APCs into a machine for use in disasters, accidents and fires.

The machine project is called “Savior“!

But instead of saving Bulgaria and the Bulgarians, today's politicians seek to save only their own kelepir. And against a pat on the shoulder from the “embassy” are ready to save other countries, but not Bulgaria. And Bulgaria? Fire to burn her?!