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Glavchev: The regional governors and mayors will check the preparedness for disasters

Yesterday we contacted the regional governors along the Danube River in Bulgaria, because we see that there are concerns. The level of the river in Budapest rose yesterday, and the rainfall in Austria is having its effect, the caretaker prime minister also commented

Sep 18, 2024 12:22 66

Glavchev: The regional governors and mayors will check the preparedness for disasters  - 1

It is necessary to act preventively and for this reason we decided to send letters to the regional governors who for their part, to contact the mayors of the populated areas and to check the readiness to meet disasters. Acting Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev said this at the beginning of today's government meeting, BTA reports

„Whatever is needed will be done. Fortunately for us, the European cyclone is passing Bulgaria at the moment, but we cannot rely only on the favor of nature and luck. That's why we are doing everything we need to do," said the caretaker prime minister.

Just yesterday we contacted the regional governors along the Danube River in Bulgaria, because we see that there are concerns. Yesterday, the level of the river in Budapest rose, and the precipitation in Austria is having its effect. If you follow the processes, it is obvious that the level of the Danube will rise here as well, hopefully this increase will be small enough, he said. also Dimitar Glavchev.

He recalled that a meeting on the topic of drought was held in a format with the line ministers who are related to the topic and to any potential disasters and accidents. “We believe that preventive action should be taken,”, the Prime Minister emphasized once again.