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Rosen Zhelyazkov: The PP-DB is trying to influence that GERB is not ready to absorb money from PVU

We would support any initiative that would give greater access to medicines in the settlements where it is difficult. Therefore, we would support the idea of placing vending machines for medicines, but in compliance with all requirements and pharmacological standards, commented the deputy from GERB-SDS

Sep 18, 2024 12:42 78

Rosen Zhelyazkov: The PP-DB is trying to influence that GERB is not ready to absorb money from PVU  - 1

We would support any initiative that would give more great access to medicines in settlements where it is difficult. Therefore, we would support the idea of placing vending machines for medicines, but in compliance with all requirements and pharmacological standards. This is what GERB-SDS MP Rosen Zhelyazkov said on the air of the program “Tvoyat den“ on NovaNews.

He also commented on the “gentleman’s letter” from PP-DB as follows: “We have not rejected anything. We have only stated that we will not make hasty legislation. We have a hard experience from changes in the Constitution. This proposal came as an attempt at political manipulation, also aimed at Brussels. It is not about three laws, but about one bill on bankruptcy of natural persons, introduced by PP-DB. But there is another one brought in by “Revival”. We also have a bill to amend the Whistleblower Protection Act, but that is an amendment to a law that enacted the “assembly”.
Zhelyazkov said thatPP-DB are trying to influence that GERB is not ready to absorb money from the Recovery and Sustainability Plan.

„Nobody asks what happened to the advance payment, which never happened, with the money under the plan in the “Energy” sector, the deputy also said.