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Dragomir Stoynev: In order to win back the voters, we must have policy debates and stop the mud-slinging

According to the BSP deputy, it is necessary for the next regular cabinet of Bulgaria to be supra-party and expert, in which bright politicians do not take part persons

Sep 19, 2024 18:57 46

Dragomir Stoynev: In order to win back the voters, we must have policy debates and stop the mud-slinging  - 1

There is no political stability because party interest uses parliamentarism, that is why we have elections after elections. Party interest must be abandoned at all costs. BSP deputy Dragomir Stoynev stated this on Nova News, quoted by

According to Stoynev, it is necessary for the next regular cabinet of Bulgaria to be supra-party and expert, in which prominent political figures do not participate.

The political crisis in which the Bulgarian state has fallen, the socialist commented, leads to serious investment losses and damages our economy on a daily basis.

„The problems have become so many that in the next parliament there must necessarily be understanding and rapprochement of policies. That's the only way we'll get the voters back – we must have policy debates and stop insults and mudslinging, Stoynev added.
On the subject of Bulgarian energy, he noted that huge resources are invested in it, but in the end nothing happens. The MP opposed the idea of selling Belene NPP equipment to Ukraine.

According to a number of experts, sooner or later we will need this equipment. Moreover, the specialists from the Kozloduy NPP say that the steam generator for the NPP “Belene“ is compatible with the needs of the Kozloduy NPP. At this stage, Ukraine is not in a position to build a new nuclear power in the conditions of war. That is why I appeal to freeze the negotiations with Ukraine, he commented.