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Venko Sabrutev: One of our mistakes is the coalition with GERB. We have seen that Mr. Borisov cannot be trusted

Our main goal is to return the majority of the lost vote from the previous elections. We will support young families, the message is for young people. These are our topics, commented the PP-DB politician

Sep 24, 2024 08:22 50

Venko Sabrutev: One of our mistakes is the coalition with GERB. We have seen that Mr. Borisov cannot be trusted  - 1

Our main goal is to return the majority of the lost vote from the previous elections. We will support young families, the message is for young people. These are our topics. Venko Sabrutev from PP-DB stated this to bTV, quoted by

Our goal is to show the Bulgarian society the mistakes we made. One of them is the coalition with GERB, he added, thus for the first time a PP-DB representative called the 2023 assembly a "coalition".

We have seen that Mr. Borisov cannot be trusted - there cannot be a gentleman's agreement with someone who changes his mind. We want a person who enjoys high public trust and who is equally distant from all parties, he commented.

And he said that from PP-DB they don't have any names for this person X.
"After the elections, we must get together and find out if there is a majority for this model. Bulgaria needs a stable government," he added on the subject.

"We have a new system by which we check the people who enter the lists - four National Assemblies we have not had a breakthrough. The breakthrough happens during the votes in the parliament," said Sabrutev.

And he also said that by voting for PP-DB, people will vote for the acceptance of anti-corruption votes.