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"Non-voter" diagnosis: What are the psychological factors for Bulgarians not to exercise their vote

"25% of non-voters are those who live constructively, they are successful in their careers. 41 percent belong to those who live aggressively-defensively - they relieve tension and stress from participation in social and political life. They are of four types - perfectionists, power-hungry, and passive have voted, there are 10% less - they do not go to the polls if they are not offered something", revealed Dr. Plamen Dimitrov

Nov 12, 2024 10:40 112

"Non-voter" diagnosis: What are the psychological factors for Bulgarians not to exercise their vote  - 1

What are the psychological profiles of those who did not vote in the last early elections ? Dr. Plamen Dimitrov collects the data for the people who did not exercise their vote. It presents the main results of a study of the profiles of the so-called "silent majority” of Bulgaria.
The contact with those entitled to vote was carried out in two stages. The first consisted of a psychological study conducted in August, September and October using psychometric methods. The second phase was a telephone interview after election day, in which respondents were asked if they had still voted.
All participants in the study have lived permanently only on the territory of Bulgaria for the last three years. The majority (63%) are from Sofia and large regional centers. 54 percent of the respondents are women.
On the air of the show "Your Day" on NOVA NEWS, Dr. Dimitrov shared that the non-voters are representatives of 12 subgroups with different profiles. "Among them are lifestyle, emotional stability, personal authenticity. Those who practically did not vote in the seventh early parliamentary elections are the largest electoral group, many times larger than the sympathizers of the individual parliamentary political parties and coalitions. That's why we call them "the silent majority" of Bulgaria. 25% of non-voters are those who live constructively, they are successful in their careers. 41 percent belong to aggressive-defensive living - they relieve tension and stress from participation in social and political life. They are of four types - perfectionists, power-hungry, auto-opposing and passive. "Conformists who did not vote are 10% less - they do not go to the polls if they are not offered something," revealed Dr. Dimitrov.

In his words, 75% of the citizens questioned are anxious-depressed. "People were in this state during the elections, as well as after the announcement of the results,", the expert also said.