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The Ciber River in Rome, the Troad and Bulgaria

Oh, you fools and fools, don't be ashamed, but be proud that you are a native Bulgarian!

Jul 3, 2024 08:50 195


A few days ago, on June 5, the FACTS website published my article "The Bulgarian name of Tiber, the river that flows through the Eternal City". In it I reveal that the name Tiber - Thybris is actually a typical Bulgarian - Cibar - and can only be translated through the Bulgarian language - "bright", "bright". Ciber is a concept synonymous with the previous name of the river - Alba (or Albula, diminutive) - "bright", "white", "clear".

In the same text I write: "Whether we will connect the name Ciber with the language of the Etruscans or the Trojans (Tevkri, Dardani), this is a matter of further research, but in any case it originates from the Bulgarian lexicon, because the gene of the listed peoples is Thracian, Bulgarian."

Then I could not allow that Providence had decided to give me a magnificent gift and to reveal in an unprecedentedly short time exactly which people gave the name Tiber to the river Alba in Latium.

But yesterday, reading "Geography" of Strabo, Book 13, Chapter 1, in which the distinguished ancient explorer describes the coast, topography and waters of the Troad, showering the reader with numerous references to Homer and evidence that the site on which the "new" Ilion (Strabo's contemporary settlement), does not match what the "old" Ilion (of Ill, Laomedon and Priam), I came across the following passage in paragraph 35:

"τό τε πρὸς Θύμβρης δ' ἔλαχον Λύκιοι οἰκειότερόν ἐστι τῷ παλαιῷ κτίσματι·"

This is a quotation from "Dolonia", Canto X of the "Iliad", Pentateuch 430. The unfortunate Trojan scout Dolon, clad in a wolf's skin and with a helmet of the skin of a celestial being, is captured by Diomedes and Odysseus, who, quite like bandits, they want to extract information from him about the place where the Thracian king Rezos - a Trojan ally - is encamped, in order to steal the unprecedentedly beautiful white horses of Rezos, and kill him himself. And Dolon, trembling with terror, instructed them in detail:

"430 Lycians and proud Mysians lodge near Timbra,

conestamer Phrygians and brave charioteers Maeons.

But why are you questioning me about these things separately?

If you want to get into the Trojan army,

the newly arrived Thracians become the last of all.

435 With them is their king Rhesus, the son of Eioneus.

I myself caught a glimpse of his horses — huge and very beautiful;

they are whiter than snow and run like the wind.

His new chariot shines in gold and bright silver.

There is also golden, huge armor, for a miracle and a fairy tale!

440 It is not fitting for mortals to wear such armor".

What interests us in this case is the first verse in the quoted excerpt from "Dolonia", the same one that Strabo dwells on - "near Timbra" - "τό τε πρὸς Θύμβρης".

Strabo specifies: "This detail

( of the Iliad ) corresponds more to the old Ilion, a city which is known to have been near the plain (of) Thymbra, and to the very course of the Thymbrius, which at the end of the plain, very close to the temple of Apollo the Timbrian, flows into the Scamander, while this same plain is distant from the new Ilion at least 50 stadia.

Therefore, in the immediate vicinity of ancient Troy, there was a plain called Timbra, on a river named Timbrius (Timbrios), a tributary of the famous Scamander. Even a temple of Apollo Timbrian! The handkerchief should not mislead us - the name of the river, the plain and the deity mean Tiber, Tibra, Tibersky. And certainly these names sounded like Tsibar, Tsibra, Tsibarski - the way similar river names in Bulgaria still sound today.

There is no longer any doubt that the Trojan refugees, who settled in Latium and founded, under the leadership of Ascanius, son of Aeneas, the settlement of Alba Longa, called the river Alba with an identical name in their language - the language of the Teucrians and Dardanians, which in fact, it is our Bulgarian language. They named it Thybris - Cibris, after the river flowing in their devastated, destroyed homeland.

Additional proof of the meaning of the name of the river Timbrius ( Timbrios ) in Troad, which I translate as Ciber, is the name Xanthe of the river Scamander. Xanth will say "blond", "bright". According to Homer, Xanthu was the name of the river used by the gods, and the Trojans called it Scamander. Which is to say that "xanth" is a word from the antediluvian Atlantean or Atlanto-Pelasgian vocabulary.

Hey, Bulgarians, look up from the bottle of schlokavitsa, from the chalga, the buns, the turkeys, the Greek beach and the military rank of colonel-lieutenant colonel! Break out of the vulgarity! Are you aware of the epoch-making discovery I have entrusted to you? It is linguistic proof - black and white - that the Trojans were Bulgarians and that these Bulgarians created Rome! It means that you are following our national Greatness - the real, not the sham, brand and Eveline "greatness". - are alive and need only be brought out into the light from the tablets. Why hasn't this happened before? Simply because no Bulgarian "historian" he has not properly read Homer and Strabo. Or because only today, on the threshold of destruction, the hour of our national awakening and salvation strikes.

However, Strabo in the same ch. 1 of Book 13 clearly indicates the identity of numerous toponyms, hydronyms, national names and personal names in Thrace and Troad:

"Moreover, that the same names are often found in Thrace and Troad: we will mention, for example, the Sceae, one of the chief peoples of Thrace, the river Skeos, the Skeontykon; and in the Troas the Scaean Gates; also to compare ( the name of ) the Thracian Xanthia with that of the river Xanthus in the Troad; Arisbus, a tributary of the Hebros, and a city of Arisba in the Troas; to compare (the name of) the river Rhesus, which flows by Troy, with that of the famous Rhesus, king of the Thracians" etc.

In my own way, long before I had read this episode in Strabo, in my published articles and books, I made the connection between the Scaean Gates of Troy and the Sikelian slave of Laertes, father of Odysseus - specifically with the Bulgarian ethnonym sikei, sikuli, sikeli , belonging to the people who anciently conquered the island of Sicily, the smaller islands, and large parts of continental Italy. The Sicules gave the name to Sicily and their language, presenting striking similarities with Bulgarian, is one of the mother languages (along with Tuscan) of the modern Italian language.

Oh, fools and idiots, don't be ashamed, but be proud that you are a native Bulgarian!