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Grigor Lilov: Brendo - the untouchable

Brendo has run both a money-laundering business and a normal business to cover up their origins

Jun 26, 2024 13:00 512

Grigor Lilov: Brendo - the untouchable  - 1
FAKTI.BG publishes opinions with a wide range of perspectives to encourage constructive debates.

Why did they return him? – They're back as a threat to a formidable compromising cannon. Against each of all. That's why they keep him alive until now.

I start with a fact that is not known!

**** The famous new party grandee Ivelin Mihailov was a partner in Home2You Bulgaria OOD (now closed), which is one of the companies associated with this global gangster.

Unlike you, I do not believe either in an endless line of shareholders in the “Historical Park”, nor in the larceny of how this business developed and with what capitals. And let the stupid shareholders know – the actual owner is not any Ivelin Lyudmilov Mihailov. He owns only 1.1 percent, I repeat - 1 hundredth and one tenth of that hundredth of “Historical Park” The actual owner of this landmark is Anatoli Iliev Savov. Lawyer from Varna. With thick contacts in one three-letter grouping. Can you guess who it is?


Now let's see the other stories related to Brendo!

Almost 30 years ago, in the spring of 1995, I wrote a series of investigations in the newspaper "Labor" that began like this:

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9.5 billion dirty dollars were transferred in our country! Drug cartels divide Bulgaria, the government helps, finally the bullets come.

9.5 billion dirty dollars were circulated in our country last year, irrefutable data show. This is almost 2 times more than our just passed budget and slightly above our official gross product. We will talk about this money and the gangster wars and murders it provoked in a special series starting Monday.

Not only the bullets connect the shootings in "Belite Brezi" and "Nadezhda", the shootings of Stefan Miroslavov-Krushata, the founder of the "Protection" association. Tsvetan Tsvetanov and Vasil Iliev, the head of "VIS 2". From distant Latin America to the even more distant Far East, well-kept secret connections and operations entangle the country in a dark web. Six drug cartels share the laundromat called Bulgaria under the blessing of the rulers and with their direct assistance...

----------------All the power - in the "laundry rooms" ----------------

This is the real and great power in our country. She appoints and dismisses governments, she writes and edits their programs.

This government is as good at creating and nurturing its millionaires as it is at killing them. The order of the laundromat to wrangle money is the only indisputable attribute of power in our country. At least until another similar force challenges it.

Bulgaria has become one of the biggest centers for the legalization of dirty capital. Within the former Eastern European countries, murky financial operations hold a record in our country in terms of frequency, scale and consequences. With the exception of mother Russia, the country leads us in the number of corpses that mark the dispute.

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Etc., etc., with names, facts, data, with the famous sentence in the office of the Minister of the Interior Viktor Mihailov, spoken right to his face by the gangster drug lord Ivo Karamanski "There are 180 million behind me . the dollar, and behind you - the minister, who is standing" with the corpses, apart from mutts and mobsters, and investigating investigators and prosecutors, with the cases and names of the politicians who covered up this bacchanalia and smeared commissions from it.

30 years ago my streak ended like this:

"Every governing cabinet solves a dilemma. Dirty money is welcome to him, as long as he does not want to lead a policy of actual changes.

This money corrupts and mobifies the government so that even Hercules will not be able to clear his Augean stables. The political forces that held and hold the reins of power are also criminalized to the fullest.

If this continues, if this continues, we will be a second Colombia, a second Afghanistan, a second Golden Triangle. If more corpses appear on the agenda, then we're done.

One step separates Bulgaria from the hell of the drug kingdom and a small step from the threshold of a cruel dictatorship. If we allow this today, tomorrow, the next day, for decades and decades to come, we will be a failed society, a failed nation, a failed state!"


Thirty years later we are like that!

And we are an even bigger launderer of dirty money, money transfers from and to the world drug traffic and sanctioned capital.

It is so large in size that because of it – who should rule it, the political forces are fighting to the death and once again they cannot form a government, but do they form it – they quickly spoil it because of the disputes about the commissions (only today the foreign exchange interbank market in our country turned over the equivalent of 4 billion 034 million 945 thousand and 490 euros (nearly 8 billion leva!) Usually the daily amounts are 5 billion and more euros.

But there are also monthly records, like the one on June 3 – just over 12 billion euros! 24 billion BGN. For one day only! More than the expenses for the state budget of the Republic of Bulgaria for the entire year 2024 (23.6 billion BGN)


One of the main operators of this washing machine is Ivelin Nikolov Banev – Brando!

His name continues to inspire fear.

For example, there is still no article about him in the Bulgarian Wikipedia, although, for example, there is one in the English one.

This is what I wrote about him in one of my books (BG BILLIONARIES. THEIR MONEY. THEIR DIRTY SECRETS), in which I summarized my investigations into this “Cocaine Boss of Europe” – made even back then, when people kept silent about him as if he didn't exist.

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(the excerpt about Brendo from my book)



Evelin Banev – Brendo was born on October 8, 1964 in Topolovgrad. A number of media and commentators of the criminal world also point to Burgas, but this is false.


There is a lack of public information about his parents and the family in which he grew up.

His mother's name is Dobrina (Dochka) Tumbalova and years ago she was a petty clerk – teacher at the auxiliary school in Topolovgrad.

The father left the family almost immediately after birth and got lost in the big city – he started working in Sofia. The mother had a second husband – very caring towards Brendo as well, but he died and practically the mobster was raised as an orphan.

His wife was Monika Dobrinova. They are officially divorced from her, but as it became clear at a court hearing, they continue to live in de facto cohabitation. It is possible that the divorce was formal with the idea of transferring assets into her name and thus protecting them from confiscation.

They have two daughters – Alexandra and Lara.

There was a persistent rumor in social circles that the widow Silvia Panagonova – on the bye Mile, she was not only involved in business, but also in love with Brendo. Through her, he established contacts with the famous Serbian mafia boss Sreten Josic. According to others, the gossip is baseless – Brendo's positions were so powerful on a continental scale, and the widow of this background – so conspicuously small both in his endeavors and in his contacts, that the gossips are hardly true.

What's more, one of our well-known miskis also got into the mouths about connections with him – Snezhina Valkova, that even a very famous native lawyer – defender of Brendo.

In fact, whatever is written about Brendo can be either true or false.

Because, for example, in Venezuela he is known by the name Alexander Sashov. Such a passport was issued to him in South America, and with this identity the underground boss visited several European countries. He also had a number of identities, incl. and shaped here, on the spot in Bulgaria – for example that of Alexander Garchev.

Why am I mentioning this last name?

Because in the distant 1976, during the time of socialism and internationalism, a severe catastrophe occurred in Morocco. Five-year-old Bulgarian Alexander Garchev and his parents died in it.

Decades later, the dusty folder is taken out of the archives. They begin to die in “accidents” or for Garchev's relatives to disappear without a trace. And almost immediately after the dramas in our country, although 26 years later from that disaster in Morocco, in August 2002, an application for a quick order for the issuance of a passport and identity card was submitted to the passport department of the State Security Service. Under a foreign name, but with her image in the photos, Evelin Banev is wise. A completely new person, not appearing in any registers, not suspected and followed by “Interpol” and foreign services, with excellent personal documents, although fake, but completely authentic through the cooperation of the native services!

Brendo also had Venezuelan citizenship under another name, and since 2003 permanent resident status under another, also new name in Spain with a permanent address in Malaga. There he was the manager of the company Rostefano, which he owned together with Petar Kolchev and Konstantin Bobchev.

During the large-scale investigation in the West, another of his identities was recently revealed. In April 2004, the Italian police stopped him to check the exit from the “Gran San Bernardo” tunnel. Ivaylo Hesselbart was traveling in the car.

He also has a Ukrainian passport. There is also…

Another detail is also curious – the radically different surnames of Evelin Banev and his brother Simo Karaichev. The official explanation is a step brother. The unofficial – only in 2004 did the British authorities manage to reveal that Simo Karaichev and Evelin Banev are brothers.

How true this is, however, I think not so much the Sherlock Holmes family, but only the two of them know.

In short – Evelyn Banev is both an oligarch, a powerful mafia boss, and a kind of existing Russian Stirlitz equivalent of the literary film hero Agent 007 – James Bond.


First he studied in Topolovgrad, then – in Haskovo and Stara Zagora. He graduated from a wrestling sports school. He entered the school "Olympic Hopes" like a gymnast.


There is no record of what he was doing until the beginning of the transition – however, until the beginning of democracy and the free market, it was running over 26 lazarniks.

At the time, the parachute did not open for him to become a coach. He did not achieve good results as an athlete, let alone any medal. That's why he started working in a circus troupe as an acrobat, but for a very short period.

According to ex-interior minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov, he was a thief at the time.

Although, according to the reports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Brendo has no criminal record, acquaintances claim that before 1989 he was investigated for rape, which expelled him from the “Olympic Hopes” school. He was also under investigation in the first years of democracy for car theft.

According to unconfirmed data, in the mid-1990s he also had problems with the authorities in Greece.

But according to other, far more obvious “factors” Brendo has turned his career – has replaced the dome of the circus arena with another mighty dome – the one with the cloak and dagger, symbolizing the secret secret services. According to unofficial information that is specific enough, he was posing as their employee. He started from the lowest levels, but then rose all the way to the UBO (politburo security). He rose to the rank of officer, although he was undercover.

Unfortunately, no one can pinpoint – with documents his positions in those years. Some caring and professional hand has cleaned the archives more than thoroughly and nothing can be found in them.

„During the period you are talking about, there were no related operational developments in Topolovgrad. If such a thing was happening, it was at the central level” – specify former security officers in the OD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs – Haskovo.

Paradoxically, but in the new times, when the first uproar about his name and the corresponding detention, it turned out that there was nothing about him in the Ministry of Internal Affairs – absolutely nothing!

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In Topolovgrad itself, although it is something like a personal feudal empire (there is not a family from which at least one did not work in Brendo's company), they also prefer silence. In this region, which seems to be on the other side of the world, there is no justice, nor is the state felt in any way, nor do the security authorities and the police like to screw up.

Perhaps the locals are right in their silence – in one village there are 5,000 people, everything gets around very quickly, and no one wants to get into trouble with thugs or, God forbid, have the worst happen to them.

So much can be said about his career.

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In his unofficial, undocumented biography, it is indicated that his “professional path” in the underground octopus was started during the democracy by the scandalous gangster group "Multigroup". In 1992-1995, Evelyn Banev – Brendo was first a security guard, and then a kind of manager, rather a controller of the group's gambling establishments abroad.

Started from a casino in Skopje and rose to become the boss of all of Macedonia and responsible courier for destinations all over the world. He traveled a lot abroad – mostly in Latin America. In his book “Secrets of Great Players” I have indicated by names and positions which State Security officers and how they established contacts and cooperation with the drug lords in those countries even under socialism, and which was the first casino purchased there – in Lima, the capital of Peru.

He probably deserved the trust, because from that period he became what the Western media called the “Cocaine King of Europe”.

It is a paradox that when he finally publicly shined as a criminal star, the media pointed to him both as close to the VIS and as a person who also had a story with the bosses of the SIC.


Evelin Banev has a very strange and “polyvalent” status possible only in Bulgaria.

He is both an oligarch, whose wealth is comparable to the world's largest wealth, and a desperate criminal and the boss of a huge underground empire that has spread its tentacles over three continents.

If you open the Commercial Register now, you will find nothing in Brendo's name.

What should have been transferred to other persons, sold, disguised.

Digging through the records, you will find the following companies of his that his powerful criminal arm was involved in:

Managers “BILDCOMFORT” Ltd.

Managers “KING GAMES” Ltd.

Partners “B.M.A. TRADING” Ltd.

Partners “BILDCOMFORT” Ltd.

Partners “KING GAMES” Ltd.

And nothing more.

An inconvenient question arises for the state authorities and those of Themis – why didn't the investigation, the prosecutor's office, the illegal property commission request or block his shares in these companies?!

Here is, for example, what is recorded in the company documents for “King Games”:



Amount of shareholding: BGN 25,000

date on which the reason for the transfer of a company share arose: 04.07.2014

April 7, 2014! However, Banev was arrested several times, investigated, convicted abroad and tried in our country for years. And yet it turns out that it has its assets, and even just recently – in April 2014, less than a month before writing this essay, he freely disposed of them.

And his beginning in the world of enterprising people is more than modest and quite unpromising.

Banev's first company was registered in his hometown – “PELICAN - EVELYN BANEV” ET, BULSTAT: 836233217. She had a subject of activity – retail trade at open stalls and market. Its seat is Bulgaria, Haskovo region, commune. Topolovgrad, Topolovgrad, 54 D.BLAGOEV St.

This is that alush-verish that the Bulgarians tried in the first few years of the transition, thinking that millionaires were created from it.

Brendo had a share of 50.00% in “B.M.A. TRADING” Ltd. His wife Monika Dobrinova is listed as the owner with the same shareholding. Irena Semerdzhieva-Argirova is appointed as manager. The company's subject of activity is – retail trade in non-specialized stores with a variety of goods.

He himself held 50% and managed “ BILDCOMFORT” Ltd., BULSTAT: 131300986. It has the same subject of activity as the previous company.

There is also another similar retail company in which the crime kingpin owned half of the shares – “KING GAMES” Ltd., BULSTAT: 175091777. Petar Kolchev is listed as the owner with the same shareholding, who is also listed as manager. The manager is also Veselin Sivinov. The company has a subject of activity – retail trade in non-specialized stores with a variety of goods.

In general, the business is still “small” – something like Samokovets' potatoes.

He shares 50% with Konstantin Dishliev in the joint-stock company “IZBA VODENICHANE”, in which Dishliev was the executive director, and Banev and Desislava Dishlieva are members of the management board.

***** MONEY, MONEY... AND NAMES*****

Brendo was known as the butcher of the holiday complex “Flores Park” in the ideal center of Sunny Beach, as well as another hotel in the Tuzara resort. Another of his investments is a hotel in Chepelare, bearing the poetic name “Mountain Star”.

Banev also manages three hotels in Sofia, two of which are entrusted to the management of his right-hand man Georgi Semerdzhiev – Joro Shopa. The most luxurious object is the boutique hotel “Les Fleures” on “Vitosha” Blvd. The building, which is estimated to be worth at least 10 million euros, went to Brendo's assets after two mafia murders of Konstantin (Kosio) Dishliev and his mother – Yordanka Zapryanova.

The cocaine king raised an entire luxury city with the proceeds of drug trafficking, studies show. A cursory glance at what has been built through his investments demonstrates that the prominent mobster has every reason to be considered the builder of a new Sofia.

One of these objects is at the intersection of the capital boulevards “Gotse Delchev“ and “Bulgaria”. Glass, granite and marble adorn the facade of the mastodon. The business center "Bulgaria Tower" is considered one of the symbols of the city. The contractor of the project is “Eurotrend”, Evelin Banev's company – Brendo and his partner, lawyer Petar Kolchev. After some time, the ownership of the company was transferred to an offshore company in Austria.

The builders are companies, now in the huge construction holding of the Galchev family. The names of Galchev and Evelin Banev have been connected for years and they associate them through “Bildcomfort“, which specializes in construction.

Galchev himself is also not a random person who came out of nowhere. He is a native of partisan Belitsa, and his uncle was a mastite general during the time of Todor Zhivkov and head of the Construction Troops.

In Dragalevtsi are the closed complexes “Crystal Bell“ and “Panorama Residence”. They also transferred money from Brendo's Austrian companies.

It is interesting that the land on which “Crystal Bell“ against “Business Park Sofia“ was municipal. It was bought for nothing at the time when Boyko Borisov was mayor of the capital. The built-up area of the complex is over 22 thousand square meters and it has single-family houses, buildings, underground parking, a spa center, an indoor pool and even a chapel.

It does not fall below the standard of construction and “Panorama Residence“ on “Paprat“ street. Famous magistrates from the Sofia City Prosecutor's Office found shelter in it.

It's unbelievable, but Brendo has signed up for “Lyulin”. His “Elegance Residence” however, it has nothing to do with panel reality. The complex is completed according to all the rules of quality and economical construction.

Now, against the background of the legal proceedings, Evelin Banev has parted ways with the Black Sea pearl “Oasis Resorts and Spa” in southern Lozenets, and with its "Home for You" investment fund. The companies are believed to have been purchased by a Russian concern. According to rough calculations, these assets alone are valued at more than 200 million euros.

This is the “modest” visibility.

The immodest “invisibility” first of all, a dozen offshore companies and companies abroad – such as the Austrian RICHMOND VENTURES HOLDING GmbH, EURAM Invest Holdings Vier GmbH, the English company Global Associates Limited, the company Euroinvestments S.A, Quick Investments Ltd, The Bearer, FINCO Europe Limited, Pissen Finance Corp – all in the Virgin Islands, Quick Investments Limited in Cardiff, Wales, Megamiser Limited, Marwyn Group Limited in Switzerland, etc.

In reality, the underground boss's tentacles are a huge network spanning the entire country – from its lowlands to its political peaks.

Today it is no longer possible to find the official documents for Evelin Banev's other business affairs. Maybe again “caring hand” she walked through the folders, tore sheets, put away bundles of sheets.

But as forensic scientists say, traces always remain.


Banev is among those who linked their fate with “Eastern Finance”.

The famous company had sheltered another drug lord and smuggler – also on a global scale as the murdered gangster Ivan Todorov-Doctora. She was connected to a number of today's popular faces and was conceived in the “Orbita” past the first haunt of the wrestling mutts, there were various VISs, SIKs, “Apollo”s, “Crowns” and Godparents. And it has always been known as the firm of the political-economic circle “Monterey” and the generals from the DS.

And a few more facts – small, but significant.

In “Eastern Finance” (they really have a source further east than us) the main shareholder is FBK “Amigos” of Petar Petrov. Petar Petrov is also from Silistra, as is Mladen Mihalev-Majo and was a boyfriend with his sister.

Amigos (friend) is his nickname. He is a former national competitor. From there he met Ivan Slavkov – Father, son-in-law of Todor Zhivkov. Bateto is one of the founders of SIK.

The father is among his patrons. There are also two brothers in the company – Doychin and Dimitar Miryanovi. They were responsible employees of the DS, in the team of the Politburo officer – Interior Minister Dimitar Stoyanov.

And another detail.

Some of these people made headlines with the yacht scandal in Monaco, where they met with ministers Milen Velchev, Petar Petrov, Miroslav Sevlievski, the royal yuppie Spas Rusev and co. Maggio's mistress lived at the next address to Brendo's house – Milkana Paunova. For all the scandal surrounding the ex-daughter-in-law of the Politburo officer Gen. I have told Dobri Djurov in another essay in “Secrets of great players” together with the names and deeds of the accompanying “flora and fauna”, which rose to power in the “democratic” times.

I have told in the book and along the web of finance, yachts, governments, secret services about the spiders in its midst – the puppeteers who wove it and created from the pine trees “people”, and from the people – dead people. The fact is that none of this was heard publicly except in my books. Because the biggest secret turned out to be the control over information, over the media, over the knowledge of society. On what Bulgaria will never change without.


Brendo, powerful as he is, is just as much their puppet as the Doctor. The relationship between two well-dressed businessmen is, as they say, sealed with a bag of salt.

They are from the early 90s – in Haskovo they have a restaurant "Palermo", a bar "Beverly", a gambling hall. They built a second gambling hall. When the Doctor moved to the capital in 1994, Brendo stayed with business affairs in Haskovo for a little while longer. He manages to preserve and develop their common positions in the restaurant and gambling business.

Brendo has run both a money laundering business as well as a normal one to disguise its origin.



One of his contractors and partners was Georgi Avramov. The forgotten multi-rich man became famous at the time with the financial pyramid “Lex”.

Avramov lives in the “Ajax” complex, where the bosses of SIK are also. The complex is located on “Simeonovsko Shosse” above the “Maxi” complex. His is the expression: “G-13” (a group of the first native oligarchs - he was a member of it) is the most romantic period in the accumulation of big capital in our country”.

- We were not looking for the politicians. They themselves were waiting in line. In that period, politicians were rabbits. They hadn't played yet. Then they started creating their own business circles and trying to beat the competition.

This is his revelation.

According to the “Gallery” Georgi Avramov – “Lexa” is among the hidden shareholders in the luxury complex “Oasis” in the Black Sea Lozenets, which connects with Brendo's empire.

Brendo himself is considered the real owner of the jewel. The former head of customs, Hristo Kulishev, also has a villa near his plot. According to my colleague Zlatkov in interviews in “Weekend” and “Show” May the customs chief's mansion was donated by the underworld boss. But his thesis remained undefended – facts were not shown.

But there are some, and it's a pain. Far more scandalous.


At the time, the Italian magistrates announced that a senior Bulgarian official had passed the secrets of the investigation to Brendo himself.

Suspicion fell on a few magistrates, but after it was clarified that it was a responsible factor in the Ministry of the Interior and the National Security Service, they turned to the services.

Ivan Drashkov was suspected – one of the most prominent leaders of DANS. It turned out that his son and Brendo himself are related in business.

The company of Drashkov's son “ITD” had built two of Brendo's hotels. It is believed that Banev laundered the money from drug trafficking and thus legalized several hundred million euros with tourism sites.

Next to the shot cashier-financier of Brendo's mafia – Konstantin Dishliev and his offshore companies, other famous names surfaced, which were otherwise only in my investigations. It is unlikely that they would have been heard more publicly if it were not for the Western investigation of drug trafficking that brought them to light and the almost brutal pressure of the embassies.

In order to register the offshore companies, Brendo and his avers turn to Pharaoh Ivo Nedyalkov for help, the court noted under this pressure.

At that time, Nedyalkov appeared as a lawyer while the cases against him were ongoing for defrauding thousands of Bulgarians through the “East West International” pyramid. He also works as a political leader of the “New Conservative Party”, he was a partner of Vencislav Dudolenski – one of the former regional mayors in the capital... A paradox possible only in our country – Dudolensky turned out to be an important factor in the “Association for Combating Corruption”...

Pharaoh Nedyalkov under socialism is a former Komsomol big nomenclature, a State Security informant, nephew of politician-businessman Alexander Tomov – became famous with CSKA, the stories surrounding Kremikovtsi, etc. He himself (Tomov) is a former adviser to the last red communist prime minister – Georgi Atanasov. On the Supervisory Board of Nedyalkov's pyramid was Rada Doinova – a relative of Politburo member Ognyan Doinov.

Naturally, the pharaoh was not condemned, the exact opposite happened – he condemned Bulgaria in Strasbourg. With these associations and contacts, this was also “logical”. But not only his name was measured among the dangerous connections with Brendo.

In the courtroom of the trial against the mafia, the following was also heard, which everyone kept silent about for years except me:

- I hold to the questioning of the witness Mavrodiev, insofar as there are his signatures on documents presented by “Quillin Ventures” and “Fidelity Enterprises”, including documents authorizing Desislava Dishlieva and Vladimir Dishliev to represent the companies on the bank accounts in EURAM Bank.

It turned out that a number of registrations abroad of offshore and anonymous companies related to the person of Evelin Banev were consulted and carried out by Stoyan Mavrudiev.

And who is this person? – He is the chairman of the Financial Supervision Commission himself! (MY BEL: 10 years after my revelations and frantic struggle, he was finally released from this position)

What happened? – Foreign mafia companies are consulted during their creation and registered precisely by the statesman, who should monitor compliance with the law, the purity of financial relations, the work of financial companies and stock exchanges.

Mavrudiev is one of the co-founders of the "GERB" party, their deputy, head of the Delegation of Bulgaria in key European bodies, at the same time he is extremely close to Sergey Stanishev (at the time he headed the Commission that investigated the transactions and expenses of his Cabinet of the Triple Coalition and found nothing wrong, even though the EU stopped the tranches).

But we all know that the mafia is a crime that has merged with the state and the political elites. In such a symbiosis, there are no colors and views, no party affiliation.

But there is money – enough to buy everything in the chain – both right-wing globalists” and their opponents – red “left idealists”. At the same time, the highest possible places in the country were bought (and accordingly sold).