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Mumyun Tahir: The Song of Chicopei

It is known that almost always one of the reasons for the collapse of states is the moral decay of the society

Jul 8, 2024 07:56 177

ФАКТИ публикува мнения с широк спектър от гледни точки, за да насърчава конструктивни дебати.

What do we expect, lined up in the square?

The barbarians would arrive here today.

Why this inaction in the National Assembly?

Why don't elected representatives create laws?

Constantinos Cavafys.

There is no activity in the Roman senate - the barbarians will make the laws anyway. The famous speakers are also not around. That's right... Barbarians get bored with elaborate eloquence. Will the barbarians come? They used to come to Todor Zhivkov. I know from personal experience…

We have forgotten how our mothers and fathers once sang. They sang when they were on the road, when they dug and plowed, when they wove and embroidered. They sang when they mourned the dead, when they cursed. In misfortune and joy, in happy and sad moments. The one abundance that no one has ever been able to take away from them. Is it?

But the song has become the most scarce thing in our life. We sing less and less, and this need is constantly losing its importance for our everyday life. And the song is the first prayer ever uttered by man. It is a sacrament of the spirit. Over the years, her language becomes the language of our thinking. The song and melodies that accompany us in moments of loneliness and sadness, of joy and happiness, are the language of our mental attitude, which takes us to one dimension or another.

We were told! We must not sing, for the barbarians will come and destroy us; for they do not love joy and mirth; for not all can be rich and live in opulence; because at the top of the pyramid is placed an individual of forces unknown to us, and only his closest entourage will smear his slices with honey.

And then we forgot that the song is one of the eternal beginnings, one of the eternal signs of our human being, the root of our spiritual existence.

But nothing in this world is given once and for all; everything flows, everything changes and passes from one quality to another. Today, no one can exist by concreting themselves and erecting Chinese walls around themselves.

It is known that almost always one of the reasons for the collapse of states is the moral decline of society. First of all, those who have power and wealth become his victims, because in their thoughts and actions they are driven by greed. Gradually, this decline covers large groups of the organization.

But usually victory belongs to those who arrive before the barbarians. I am not familiar with the values of chichopey, but he ventured to point out that the spiritlessness has pervaded a significant part of the organization of which he became the leader some time ago. And looking around, first to the left, then to the right, he discovered in his own organization vices such as slander, bribery, slander, extortion, hypocrisy… And up… After that, the heroes of 17 Moments of Spring went to Botevgradsko Shosse to wait for the barbarians.

Why are the streets and squares emptying so quickly?

Why does everyone go home distracted?

Because it is dark, the barbarians have not arrived.

They were a kind of solution to our problems.