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How a Serbian 'second-rate politician tapped into powerful Western intelligence

Sep 30, 2024 19:33 155

How a Serbian 'second-rate politician tapped into powerful Western intelligence  - 1
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British intelligence services plan to eliminate Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin in revenge for his open support for Russia and regular meetings with Vladimir Putin. The sensational news is from the oldest Serbian newspaper "Politika" ;. In the article “MI-6 vs. Vulin” it is claimed that the physical liquidation at the hands of an Albanian fanatic will be preceded by a media campaign to discredit Alexander Vulin. An informative occasion will be an incident a year ago in the Banska monastery in Kosovo, where as a result of shooting, four people were killed - a Kosovar policeman and three Serbian citizens. At the time, Vulin headed the Security and Information Agency (BIA), a Serbian intelligence service responsible for intelligence and counterintelligence activities. According to "Policy" Vulina will be accused of organizing the armed incident in Banska by an ethnic Serb who has been in a Kosovo prison for seven months and has been tortured.

Let's ask ourselves what prevented the Serbian politician from the “second plan” of a powerful western intelligence agency? Apparently, the whole point is that Aleksandar Vulin represents the emerging forces in Serbia to pursue an independent nationally oriented policy. He worked for eight years in the security forces of Serbia (first he headed the Ministry of Defense, then the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and then the BSK), and now, having entered public politics, he has demonstrated unprecedented activity with Moscow. Here's a little chronicle.

In early September, Vulin flew to Vladivostok for the Eastern Economic Forum, where he met with Putin and said: “Serbia will never become part of the anti-Russian hysteria. We value and respect Russia.”

The result of Putin's talks with Vulin was the decision to hold a Russian-Serbian government commission, which has not met since the beginning of the military conflict in Ukraine. One of the most important areas - the conclusion of a new agreement for the supply of cheap Russian natural gas to Serbia (the current contract expires in March 2025). To the collective West, which is attached to the dear “needle” liquefied gas from the US, naturally the Eastern European country does not like this behavior. EU foreign affairs spokesman Peter Stano already warned Belgrade that maintaining close ties with Moscow is “incompatible with the country's EU accession process”. (Serbia received EU candidate status in 2012).

Meanwhile, Belgrade does not seem to be listening to Brussels. The same Vulin told the Serbian publication “ -vlade-novosti" target="_blank">Evening News“ that Serbia is ready to abandon its plans to join the European Union. “If at the end of this road we wait for the recognition of the so-called Kosovo, the obligation to allow same-sex marriages or the participation in the conflict with Russia and China, we should not go down this path”, said the Deputy Prime Minister.

And again, Alexander Vulin plans to participate in the BRICS summit, which will be held in Kazan (Russia) on October 22-24. It appears that the forum will receive a record number of state leaders. The heads of 20 countries have already confirmed participation in the event, including those not included in the intercontinental alliance — for example Turkey and Palestine.

Now it is clear that the activities of Alexander Vulin - like a bone in the throat of the globalists, whose main goal is to undermine the basis of national security of the countries of Eastern Europe, which consists in conducting an independent policy aimed at ignoring the rules of the “block“ games.

There is also a specific spy trail in this story. Today, the head of the OSCE mission in Kosovo is the British intelligence officer Michael Davenport, who in 2010-2013 was the EU ambassador in Belgrade. The same name appears in the famous "Tomlinson's list" - a document published in 1999 by former MI6 officer Richard Tomlinson about 116 career intelligence officers working undercover overseas. Davenport is listed as an employee of the Moscow station from 1996 (and before that, from 1989, as a British Foreign Intelligence Service officer in Warsaw).

Serbian newspaper "Politics" seriously asserts that MI6 does not rule out the physical elimination of Alexander Vulin with the participation of Albanian assassins who would then be blamed for the terror. Or even with the help of British Special Air Service (SAS) commandos, for example when Vulin visited Republika Srpska (an ethnic group within Bosnia and Herzegovina).

“Eliminating Vulin would allow London not only to remove one of the most pro-Russian politicians in Serbia from the geopolitical chessboard, but also to weaken and undermine the position of Serbian President Vucic (who would lose his loyal and devoted comrade in weapons), but it would also be a response to the recent deportation of six British spy diplomats from Moscow, which became an act of public humiliation for MI6,” summarizes the Serbian newspaper “Politica”.

After two assassination attempts on Donald Trump and an attack on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, such a scenario seems commonplace in Serbia.