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And do we even have a choice on October 27?


Oct 24, 2024 06:01 24

And do we even have a choice on October 27?  - 1
ФАКТИ публикува мнения с широк спектър от гледни точки, за да насърчава конструктивни дебати.

Remember Cormac McCarthy? He passed away a year or so ago. This is that writer with the Hollywood masterpieces “No Place for Old Dogs” (Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin) and the dystopia “The Road” (Viggo Mortensen). Of course, McCarthy has written dozens of other books and is a wonderful author, but just before deciding whether or not to vote, I was reminded of a wonderful quote of his from The Passenger: “I never thought that this life was particularly favorable or benign, and never I haven't understood in the least why I'm here… Unhappiness is part of the human condition and must be endured. But being unhappy is a choice.“

The last sentence lubricates, cleans, stains and hauls away. Yes, misery is a choice, and we Bulgarians practiced it politically throughout the 20th century; and we did not understand, and we do not understand, this simple mental concept – that if you want to self-victimize, that is to choose to experience yourself as a victim of power, you will always be one.

We chose to be unhappy.

We chose to be victims, with the overwhelming and false concept that we are always the little ones, always the wronged.

Cormac reminds us of it in absentia, not that we don't already know it from Thomas Aquinas – that many consciously choose to be victims. Because it is more convenient and relieves you of your civic responsibility to be proactive, and even in your darkest hour to fight for your (taken) rights.

Today's version of self-victimization sounds more or less like this: it's easier to say to yourself “it's not up to me“, instead of going to vote, and if you want, with the mischievous petty despair that everyone is mascaras.

I.e. it's far more difficult to participate and fight – if not on the square, then at least with my voice, I understand.

Right now, just between us, if you haven't told anyone, you have the following options:

GERB. There, Borisov humbled himself like never before, he can do it (he can simplify everything, of course, especially), and I won't be surprised if he outsmarts the PP-DB for an “equally distant prime minister”. But he will have to coordinate it with our largest Euro-Atlantic, and there things will probably get stuck. Borisov has been playing for a long time – or he wants to play - father of the nation, that is, you there, my dear rascals, play, but I'm here to stroke your restless heads, and the most logical thing is to return, and we will always be first batch. Ergo, he remains something of a Saint Grobian, the saint of the lowest possible class, our “Kshatriyas”; and his remarkable political instinct (which actually boils down to a simple and still inimitable Zhivkovian cunning, as politics in our country is anyway, a priori) dictates to him at the moment to lay low and, let's see you, you will land on grandfather, sooner or later late. Nothing that flies, I tell you, stays in the air, haha. And one more joke, or not: Borisov is currently in an ambush, because he doesn't feel like running anymore, but he hopes that he can buy the side judge, and the VAR with their lines, to prove that he is not.< /p>

"Revival". Many said that Kostadinov had become more cultured, but this is not true, his self-directed stupid attack on Maria Tsantsarova proves it. He still thinks, Siderov-style (and wrongly), that brawling works, but it's not 2005. Otherwise, he is articulate, even well done in this regard, but he will never set fire to more than 15-18%, because it escapes him that some Russophiles are not completely idiots. Quick prediction: within a year or two, he will also quietly turn to anti-Russian (with the proviso what will happen to the war), once he realizes that this alone cannot propel him to power. Expect it then centrally and fiercely on the subject of “Macedonia”, the latest new “real“ a nationalist who dreams of Orbanism, but will end up with the rotten potatoes of the failed “revivalism” he named himself. (There is such a thing – we saw it in Poland and elsewhere. In short, revivalism since before the Second World War likes to shout “return to our greatness”, but most often it finds itself shouting it in an empty office Or he ends up in a bunker, may God protect the Cat from such a thing.)

PP-DB. I don't know where to start here. Both we understand that they are the only real Euro-Atlantic chance if we want development, and they have not reached anyone in the small towns. And thanks to the counter-propaganda, precisely in the small settlements, where they do not have gram structures, GERB-DPS and their media successfully sew them up as “those misfits”, “fraudsters from Harvard”, “the failed lawyer Hristo Moreplavatelya” and the like. The funny thing is that the PP-DB in turn do not have an ounce of PR-expertise against the cops on the other side to explain a few simple ideas like EU membership, the euro, the notorious mafia controlled judicial system and how it can really get better. Accordingly, they present themselves as the “saviors in principle“ that many long for, failing to specify that no, they do not have the potential for such a thing. Some people, especially their voters, are not stupid, not at all – they realize that the leaders of this formation are not only not on the level of the “fans” (hence the crushing 300,000 failure), but they don't have an iota of talent to pose in the “Borisov“ style. as possible saviors. Borisov, let me remind you, plays the old Gerak of the nation, and they are the ridiculous relatives, even the literally failed Pavel, who contracted a false disease, and in a cultural and anthropological sense, they will not take over a single taxi driver, hunter, matchmaker or even a small municipality. I.e. they will increasingly be a Christmas tree infected with GERB's political syphilis. Since we are still “generic“ and “clan“ - if the pater familias says that the whole clan votes for GERB, “PP-DB“ are bye There are only two political thinkers out there who own up to everything, including their egregious mistakes since the founding of this community in 2016 that I even participated in. One resigned and the other is an MEP. (By the way, if you're an entrepreneur or otherwise, take a look at their business support program – it's great, and it's downright poetic how it won't happen.) Still, if you don't victimize yourself and still care for something in domestic politics, PP-DB are a great choice in the style of "I'm voting with disgust", with apologies for the Russian. It could have been so much better. At the moment, they are in the hypothesis of the “Shurts“ – the nerves are tense, but it has to be.

Which DPS will win? I think it's perfectly clear. Our all-around remarkable Euro-Atlantic takes everything as it can – from small Muslim villages to raiding with a brutal coup that earned him the role of a new leader. He knows we have at least two more elections coming up, and he's guiding them – looks ahead until at least 2026. When his main nemesis Radev (and maybe they hear each other and agree?) will be able to technically form a party. Until then, the big Euro-Atlantic will call him “Mr. Cash”, I will remind you how Radev himself suddenly got rich through his official governments (a fact without precedent) and, well, it just has to have an enemy.

BSP in a new way? They make me laugh, but not much – you, Zafirov, Gutsanov and others, whose names we do not know, could have built your “new beginning” - by apologizing for all the monstrous crimes of the BCP, to distinguish yourself from the pork called “a hundred and many years of history”, to say, we are a new and modern left. But you didn't even do that, amateurs. Because you are afraid that Georgi Yordanov will not vote for you either. And about what the new left is, if there is one – above all, it should not contain Tatiana Doncheva, Maya Manolova, or even Pascalev, not to mention. The new left probably has something in Tik-Tok, and it doesn't even know if it's left. Therefore, the BSP is still dying of slow political Alzheimer's and, probably, diabetes mellitus.

There isn't at least one left to himself to read Marcuse or at least George Bernard Shaw, whom some inadepts are now angry with for calling us simpletons, and that Malkovich would have played him too. What are you really like? How many times did you really “take a shower” the left and you brushed his teeth, you tragedians of the left?

ITN. This is not necessarily a party per se, despite the mutterings of the Toshkovites and the Slavs. It's already a tiny sect based on a relatively poor internal system that even the scriptwriters don't understand. Or they pretend to misunderstand so their couch potato leader can feed his aging ego. A lame, sorry, no pun intended, political re-entry attempt that has resulted in nothing but relatively small gains for Slavi himself, who already looks like a man who has returned from the Mi'kmaq graveyard (if you've read Steven King). He, vampire or not, to put it plevenski, was ape for that moment when he even won the election – and through greed and plain stupidity he squandered this one chance of his. Otherwise, there are really smart people like Ivaylo Valchev, about whom I will remain silent out of respect.

"Blue Bulgaria". These are a small group of really decent people and real democrats, led by Vili Lilkov and Petar Moskov, who are making a huge mistake – believe that out of a million “blue“ in 1990 there must still be at least 100 thousand "blue conservatives" left, and sooner or later they will be awakened. And why a mistake: because they do not take into account the most important thing, namely that all the parties listed above today need the “sanction” and that waving of the bey from “Captain Michalis” of Kazantzakis (i.e. Borisov-New Beginning), without which you do not enter the parliament. And this is the real tragedy of the authentic “blue”. But their efforts deserve, if nothing else, at least recognition.

And now let me ask again: do we have a choice?

Pure-hearted? We don't have any. Do we have a “lesser evil” type of choice? Maybe yes, but – in general – it's dumb to choose between bad and worse. Should I? I don't know.

Well that's it. The menu is lean, and most of what's on offer isn't very sharp, let's say elegant. And now let me ask again: do we have a choice? Pure-hearted? We don't have any. Do we have a “lesser evil” type of choice? Maybe yes, but – in general – it's dumb to choose between bad and worse.

Do you have to? I don't know.

If you ask me personally what will happen: probably a non-permanent “construct“ with each other's noses blocked, plus again a left turn and indebtedness of the state.

At the same time, no one from GERB or PP-DB predicted the audible rise of the Phenomenon, i.e. the dimensions of the phenomenon ("phenomenon" in ancient Greek means "phenomenon"). And from now on, in the next decade, there will be no government without Delyan Peevski. If I allow myself a dystopian prediction, it's not just that there won't be, of course. Say now what you have to say – in 2-3 years you won't be able to.

Determinism vs. Free Will

I can only offer you the philosophical construct “determinism versus free will“ and think a little. That is, do we really have the ability and the right to choose according to our free will, do we manage our lives and social processes, or are our decisions predetermined (determined) by forces, systems and practices outside of us, without us realizing it? Are we independent as citizens and individuals, or does something/someone predetermine our choice or non-choice?

When we refuse to vote, is it deterministic or is it a product of our free will? Do you influence through the free refusal of choice, or not at all, and have you resigned yourself to the fact that the System is kind of thick, almost like Aldous Huxley?

Think. And good luck with the choice. Let's remember: we, the Bulgarians, will forever be guilty and unfortunate victims, which is also a choice.

P.P. Let me tell you an old joke from social media, relax and think again. A long flight on BGA Balkan, the flight attendant walks by with the cart and asks the passengers if they want lunch. A friend asks her, what is the choice, and she, smiling, says “well, yes or no”.

And so with your choice at the moment, politically, congratulations.