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Lithuania is worried about Russian plans to redraw maritime borders in the Baltic Sea

Vilnius called for a coordinated response to Moscow's intentions

Май 24, 2024 05:53 124

Lithuania is worried about Russian plans to redraw maritime borders in the Baltic Sea  - 1

Lithuania called for a coordinated response to a Russian bill on a possible revision of Russia's maritime borders in the Baltic Sea , reported DPA, quoted by BTA.

"We continue to work with our neighbors and partners in both the EU and NATO to ensure a unified response to the situation," Prime Minister Ingrida Shimonite said today in Vilnius.

A bill of the Ministry of Defense was published on the website of the Russian government. It announced a review of maritime borders in the Gulf of Finland and around the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, which borders Lithuania. This caused the concern of the neighboring countries.

A little later, the bill disappeared from the site, without any reason being given.

Shimonet said one or two changes could be made based on some agreements, but the Kremlin's plans remain unclear.

"I believe that the Russian authorities deliberately want this not to be explained. They want it to remain unclear and cause apprehension and fear," she said, adding that there was no cause for concern.

Lithuania summoned the Russian ambassador in response to the information about the plan.