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The far-right party in Latvia has a 3-point political plan

Jun 15, 2024 14:15 181

The far-right party in Latvia has a 3-point political plan  - 1

The far-right party "Latvia First" is one of the seven political parties and coalitions in Latvia that will have a deputy in the new European Parliament.

This was said by the leader of the list, Willis Kristhopans, with whom BTA conducted an interview before the Euro vote. His party was seventh in voter turnout at 6.16 percent. However, this result was enough for the former prime minister of the Baltic Republic to enter the European Parliament, because it was necessary for his party to pass a threshold of 5 percent in the elections produced last Saturday – June 8.

Contrary to sociological surveys, the ruling party “New Unity” won the European Parliament elections in Latvia. The party led by EC Vice-President for Economic Affairs Valdis Dombrovskis, part of the European People's Party group in the European Parliament, collected the largest percentage of voters' votes – 25.07.

Politicians from the National Union “All for Latvia! – Fatherland and Freedom/DNNL" with 22.08% leaning towards the European Conservatives and Reformists. These two parties each win two parliamentary mandates in the new European Parliament.

The remaining five seats of Latvia in the European Parliament were divided between “For the development of Latvia“ (to the group of "Renew Europe") – 9.36%, The United List“ (Greens) – 8.18%, “The Progressive“ (The Left) – 7.42%, “Consent“ (applied to the European Social Democrats) – 7.1%, and “Latvia First”, which leans towards "Identity and Democracy".

Latvia first plan

After the vote, Kristopans told BTA that this was the first of three steps in his party's political plan. "First was my seat in the European Parliament. The next target is the local government elections, where the chairman of our party, Ainjars Slesers, will run for mayor of Riga. If we take the capital, we are already attacking the parliament and, accordingly, the government," said the former basketball player and coach.

"We are the party voted for by all who are against those currently in power. We are the opposition. We are in the ideal political position," Kristshoppans added.

"For protest voters, there is only one choice – our party. No other! Take covid - we took a very strong position against Von der Leyen's (European Commission president, ed. note) covid-19 vaccines. We were against (policy on) “climate” – billions after billions are pouring in there", the new MEP also said.

"I said we should take money from the climate policy budget and put it into defense policy – for protection from Russia. Europe cannot pursue both policies at the same time – for climate and defense. Only one party said that – our party", Kristopans added to BTA, according to whom basketball and politics are similar.

"I've been through all the levels in this sport – from junior high through men's basketball, I was an assistant coach and then a head coach. A team sports coach must speak like a politician – and with the players, and with the supporters, and with the bosses," Kristshoppans said.

"At the same time, both in politics and in basketball, teamwork wins. Schlessers and I talk to each other ten times a day to synchronize our actions. Although it will be me in the European Parliament, this is an achievement of the whole team. The team, the team and the team again – only he matters," concluded the "Latvia First" leader, who is known in the Baltic republic as the Latvian Trump for his emotional speeches and extreme positions on major issues, much like the former US president and current presidential candidate from the Republican Party Donald Trump.

Election violations

"Latvia first place" is among the three parties that were fined by the national Bureau for Prevention and Combating Corruption for violations of the rules of the election campaign for the European Parliament vote in Latvia. On the basis of four investigations, fines of EUR 2,800 each were imposed on the parties "Latvia First", "For Stability" and "Nation. Earth. Statehood“, it was reported on the website of the Latvian National Television (LTV).

The monetary sanction is due to a late request to the places for displaying propaganda materials of the respective parties in connection with their election campaigns.

At the same time, representatives of some parties in the Central Election Commission of Latvia expressed doubts about the reliability of the ballot counting. CEC chairwoman Christine Saulite has come under attack for hiring only two computer specialists. This, in the words of CEC member Ringolds Balodis to LTV, "makes the process non-transparent for the commission members".

The chairman of the parliamentary group of the ruling party "New unity" in the Diet – Edmunds Jurevics, expressed bewilderment as to why the CEC withheld information for an unjustified long time.

Economy Minister Viktors Valainis told the Latvian news agency LETA that for these elections there were too few representatives of political parties authorized by the Sejm to observe the vote and count the votes.

Dissatisfaction was also caused by the fact that the CEC allowed the counting of ten ballots in 81 polling stations in the capital Riga, which were given to voters without a stamp.

Reordering continues

The rearrangement of the MEP seats of the ruling coalition party "New Unity" continues.

After the former Prime Minister Krishanis Karins was the most scratched in the voters' ballots and because of this preferential penalty vote fell from second to sixth place on the list of party candidates, he remained outside the European Parliament. His place took number 3 in the list of "New Unity" – Sandra Calniete.

The leader of the list, Valdis Dombrovskis, however, vacated another seat after the government headed by the leader of the "New Unity" – Prime Minister Evika Silinja nominated him again as European Commissioner. Until now, he was Executive Vice-President for Economic Affairs for the People at von der Leyen's European Commission.