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The Pope celebrated mass for 35,000 faithful in the capital of Papua New Guinea

Later today the 87-year-old head of the Vatican will go to Vanimo

Sep 8, 2024 06:09 73

The Pope celebrated mass for 35,000 faithful in the capital of Papua New Guinea  - 1

Pope Francis celebrated mass today in front of 35,000 faithful in Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea, the second stage of his tour in four countries in Asia and Oceania, BTA reported.

Later today, the 87-year-old Argentine pope will travel to Vanimo, a remote town in Papua New Guinea. Francis will have a meeting with missionaries there.

The liturgy in Port Moresby took place at the local stadium. The crowd wore traditional clothes or t-shirts and hats with the image of the Pope.

Francis is the first pope to visit this former Australian colony since John Paul II. About 98% of Papua New Guinea's population is Christian, with 25% being Roman Catholic. But these figures do not reflect the wealth of beliefs and customs in this country with over 850 ethnolinguistic groups.