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EU supports two-state solution to Middle East conflict

European Commission welcomes Saudi Arabia's new initiative to seek a peaceful solution

Sep 27, 2024 15:11 46

EU supports two-state solution to Middle East conflict  - 1

EU supports efforts to find a solution to the Middle East conflict through the separation of two states - the Israelis and the Palestinians, a spokesman for the European Commission said at a press conference in response to a question related to the latest initiative by Saudi Arabia. Riyadh announced during the annual session of the UN General Assembly in New York that it heads a global alliance to seek a solution to the conflict, cited by BTA.

The Alliance seeks to create conditions for reaching a two-state solution, explained the EC spokesperson. The Israelis and Palestinians have the task of negotiating a peace agreement between themselves that contains all the conditions, he added.

According to him, the alliance aims to resume negotiations between the warring parties. A two-state solution is the only possible one, the spokesman summed up.