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The organizations of Bulgarian expatriates in Turkey boycott the elections

Bultürk is disappointed by years of injustices, neglected rights and ignored demands

Oct 20, 2024 04:07 100

A boycott of the upcoming parliamentary elections has been announced by one of the organizations of Bulgarian expatriates in Turkey, BNR reported.

From the "Bultürk" Association point out that the decision to boycott the October 27 elections is the result of years of accumulated injustices, frustrations, neglected rights and ignored demands. We will not support those who see the Turkish citizens represented by us as a second category of people, adds the organization. From "Bultürk" they want representatives of the expatriates in Turkey to be elected as Bulgarian MPs, and they also announce that their determination to boycott will continue until they get this right.

The association appeals to all political parties in Bulgaria: whichever party takes steps to give the right to the Turks living in Turkey to be elected, and which presents us with worthy candidates, we will support it. We will no longer be guided only by name or ethnicity, but will support parties that actually protect our interests, emphasizes Bultürk.