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The commander of the US military in Europe: The war in Ukraine has touched slightly dangerous parts of the Russian army

General Christopher Cavoli clarified that it is in particular the presence of Russia's long-range aviation, strategic missile forces, defense units and submarines and other combat forces barely touched by the war against Kiev

Oct 25, 2024 13:40 114

The commander of the US military in Europe: The war in Ukraine has touched slightly dangerous parts of the Russian army  - 1

Despite the significant losses the Russian army has suffered in Ukraine, the country still has military units and assets. And Moscow may draw them into the theater of hostilities at a later stage. This was warned by the commander of the US European Command and the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces of NATO in Europe, American General Christopher Cavoli, reports Business Insider.

Cavoli clarified that it is in particular the presence of Russia's long-range aviation, strategic missile forces, defense units and submarines and other combat forces that are "barely touched” from the war against Ukraine.

According to the American general, the Russian side still has military forces and resources that are quite dangerous in the context of possible combat use, which he considers powerful and which have hardly suffered during the large-scale war.

In addition, the commander in chief of the US armed forces in Europe added that the majority of Russian tactical aviation is still not "involved in the conflict”.

At the same time, he defined as "very significant“ the losses that the Russian Federation has already suffered in the war in Ukraine. However, the general warns that the country still has fighting potential.

"Despite significant losses in ground operations, the Russian Federation still has enormous potential in its remaining military structure”, the American general summarized.

He specified that it is about both "conventional" and nuclear potential of the country.