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There are over 1 million and 200,000 Bulgarians with brain diseases

Unfortunately, the time during which medicine can be useful in a stroke is very short, stressed the neurosurgeon Prof. Gabrovski

Oct 12, 2024 10:48 72

There are over 1 million and 200,000 Bulgarians with brain diseases  - 1

Nad 1 million and 200,000 are the people with brain diseases in our country. Statistics show that one in three people will suffer from a neurological or mental disorder at some point in their lives. The neurosurgeon and deputy director of “Pirogov“ commented on the topic to NOVA. Prof. Nikolay Gabrovski.

„Undoubtedly, stroke is one of the most common diseases that Bulgarians suffer from. Unfortunately, the time that medicine can be useful is very short. And in cases where it can help, there must be a very good organization of treatment. A lot of work has been done in this direction in recent years”, he pointed out.

The neurosurgeon advises that if you feel discomfort for a long time, you should seek medical help. “Fortunately, neurosurgery in Bulgaria is at a fairly good level. The good thing that happened is that she went outside Sofia. As a whole, the level is rising for the country," he specified.

„Unfortunately, we have cases of children and adults losing their lives with scooters and those who spend months in our intensive care units fighting for their lives. The fact is that scooters are quite unstable,“, noted Professor Gabrovski.

Analysis shows that there are 70 hospitals in Sofia, of which only 9 have an emergency care structure. “This is an analysis by an agency, these are the figures. An emergency is an extremely difficult medical activity. She is very expensive, keeping ready for everything. In “Pirogov” in a shock room, if a patient comes from a serious accident, we have a button that is pressed and specialists from 30 specialties gather at the moment, in the most figurative sense, explains the doctor.