Denis Dzhambazov - Archives from 2024/06/03/78028
Operation Imitation: Russian army commits a massive deception near KharkivOn the morning of May 10, Russian occupation troops crossed the border with Ukraine in Kharkiv region and began what they began to call the “of ...12.05.20241 898
Putin's CrusadeEUvsDisinfo: Turning the war into a crusade In early May, Russian state propaganda is tuned to two frequencies: consolidating support for Putin ah ...07.05.2024253
Use your voice. Or someone else will decide for you.Between 6 and 9 June 2024, over 370 million people in 27 Member States will be called to the polls to vote on the European elections. To emphasize th ...29.04.2024267
Confusion in Russia: US military aid to Ukraine both escalates war but won't affect it in any wayEUvsDisinfo: Tinker, tailor, busted Russian spy Tens of billions of dollars in additional aid to Ukraine, which the US House of Representatives re ...29.04.2024484
38 years after the Chernobyl disaster: Russia continues nuclear terrorOn April 26, 1986, one of the greatest tragedies in human history occurred a story that causes a huge number of victims, but for which there are no s ...26.04.2024273
Logical contradiction: Russia is open to dialogue, but Russia will not negotiate on anythingPeace and sudden memory improvement (Peace and sudden memory improvement) The week presented unexpected challenges to the Kremlin's information ma ...19.04.2024164
Yulia Navalnaya criticizes Ukraine: This is not Russia's warThe widow of the murdered Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, Yulia Navalnaya, made a strange statement, claiming that the war that the Russian ...18.04.2024139
The stakes are high: why it's important to vote in the European electionsThe latest European Parliament Eurobarometer survey ahead of June's elections reveals the awareness among citizens and their concern about the current ...17.04.2024141
The Telegraph: The world war has begunThe World War began. Like it or not, Russia's war against Ukraine is not a small regional war, but part of a larger war. That of authoritarian countri ...16.04.2024196
Francophobia in the KremlinFrancophobia in the Kremlin (Francophobes in the Kremlin) Information manipulators know how to throw mud against the intended target in order to im ...06.04.2024129