Deutsche Welle - Archives from 2024/08/27/72506
After Durov's arrest: what we need to know about TelegramHow the messenger platform "Telegram" became so popular? How is it different from others? And what should users expect after the arrest of i ...27.08.2024184
Since when did we eat meat and did it make us who we areOur ancestors started eating meat probably about 2.4 million years ago. This assumption will be tested by researchers at the German Max Planck Institu ...27.08.2024152
Germany: The Forgotten Middle ClassThe Institute for Macroeconomics and Business Studies (IMK) at the "Hans Böckler" has conducted research showing that the purchasing po ...27.08.202496
Why are people committing suicide in India because of the war in UkraineWhen Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, the residents of the Indian city of Surat had no idea that a war thousands of kilometers away would caus ...26.08.2024277
Why is the Russian army digging tunnels in UkraineRussian troops use tunnels to infiltrate the rear of the Ukrainian army. How common is this tactic and how dangerous is it? The Russian military in ...26.08.2024348
Over two hundred Russian missiles and drones hit UkraineOver a hundred Russian missiles and about a hundred drones attacked Ukraine last night. At least five people were killed in the attack on several tow ...26.08.2024169
Arrived in Germany via Bulgaria: the attacker from SolingenThe perpetrator is the Syrian Isa Al H., 26 years old . In recent weeks he lived in a refugee center in Solingen. He arrived in Germany at the end of ...26.08.2024230
Orban's government leaves Ukrainian refugees on the streetsLittle children sleep on bags. Women with tired and helpless faces sit on suitcases, folding chairs or simply on the ground, while a policeman watches ...25.08.2024224
In Ruined Gaza: Do Palestinians Support Hamas"The people of Gaza are just very tired, exhausted and disgusted with reality . They hope the war will end and a ceasefire will be declared,' ...25.08.2024159
Kursk: Russia makes fatal mistakes, but always corrects them"Over the last 900-plus days of the war, we have seen that Russia constantly makes fatal mistakes. But thanks to her resources, she has always be ...25.08.2024244
Total cynicism: How in Bulgaria no one believes in anything anymoreMy generation is one of those who are generally skeptical of party-organized expressions of feelings because they have memories of congress broadcasts ...25.08.2024387
Harris vs. Trump: the future vs. the pastUntil a month ago, a large part of Americans were disappointed with the election campaign - many of them thought they would lose, whichever of the tw ...24.08.2024134
Will Russia conquer Pokrovsk and what would that mean?Pokrovsk is the most pivotal point in the war in Ukraine at the moment. More than a third of the attacks of the Russian army are directed in this dire ...24.08.2024713
Afghanistan: Women to be silent, men to wear long beardsAfghanistan's ruling Taliban introduced a "virtue" law to impose strict new rules for behavior already monitored by the moral police. Ac ...24.08.2024282
Mercenaries from Africa and Asia: Russia is lying to them that they will not fightWhen he signed his contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense, the 21-year-old man from Sri Lanka, who was a migrant worker in Russia, he did not e ...24.08.2024415
Ukrainian Offensive in Kursk: Captured Russians Tell Their StoriesA crew from German public television ARD was allowed into a POW detention center in Ukraine. The deputy head of the prison told the media: "There ...23.08.2024197
In Germany: up to €2,500 fine for truancyThere can be many and varied reasons for children and young people to make unexcused absences from school. Foundation “Joachim Hertz" has e ...23.08.2024357
How they blackmail and cheat Bulgarians in Gelsenkirchen and DuisburgThey exploit them, cheat them with rents, live in appalling conditions - and yet many Bulgarians in Gelsenkirchen or Duisburg do not want to return. F ...22.08.2024190
Bulgaria cannot become an oriental-Soviet country againWhatever happens in politics, Bulgaria is already the West, not the East - it is among the civilized and democratic and cannot be returned to the Sovi ...22.08.2024508
Cashless - is this the futureCash is almost no longer used in the Scandinavian countries. In Germany, however, it remains the preferred method of payment. What are the advantages ...22.08.2024239
Lies and Truths About Vice Presidential Candidate Tim WalzSince being nominated as a candidate for Vice President of the United States, Tim Waltz became the target of a powerful disinformation campaign. DV ch ...22.08.2024471
Kursk: A trump card for the Ukrainians or a pointless move?The Ukrainian army has been expanding its conquests in the Kursk region for two weeks now. It is clear that it controls several hundred square kilome ...22.08.2024131
Less stress, but also less money: how the Chinese liveLiu Jinpeng prepares fried chicken nuggets and potatoes. A courier will arrive shortly to take the order. Liu's restaurant is located in the cente ...22.08.2024154
How likely is a mega-earthquake to occur?The warning issued by the Japan Seismological Service was for a severe earthquake of at least magnitude 7 in the Nankai Slope, saying that the probabi ...22.08.2024488
Ilya Yashin: Putin is the leader of the forces of obscurantismRussian oppositionist and former political prisoner Ilya Yashin, who was one of the prisoners exchanged between Russia and the West and who is current ...21.08.2024420