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Tatyana Burudzhieva vs. Nastimir Ananiev: There is no way to own or serve foreign companies when you are a representativ

Zhivko Kotsev will not be a candidate for MP from PP-DB

Apr 10, 2024 18:33 81

Tatyana Burudzhieva vs. Nastimir Ananiev: There is no way to own or serve foreign companies when you are a representativ - 1

Political club - some politicians or political forces use institutions to achieve political goals by crushing an opponent. This was stated by the political scientist Assoc. Tatiana Burudzhieva in connection with the words of Ananiev, who defined today's action as a "political club".

What we heard raised two questions – what office and what company is it about when he is a representative of the people. How could he learn something he shouldn't have. When you are a representative of the people, you serve some foreign companies. When you are a representative of the people, you are elected to serve the interests of the Bulgarian citizens. It should be left to the authorities to say what it is about. Speculations can be hasty or be used as an argument "Look, they are pressuring us", the political scientist also summarized.

I don't know what grounds he has to say it's a political bludgeon when it's a legitimate interest in a public figure, she added.

The accumulation of faces in these scandals, mainly from the PP-DB turned the battle in the campaign. There is nothing new to bring out about GERD. If they had remained partners, perhaps they would have fought the battle more equally. They have two options for reaction – to react as a party that defends the values with which they came to power. The second option is to protect the party, Prof. Burudzhieva recommended.

She expressed hope that Zhivko Kotsev will not be a candidate for MP from PP-DB. "There is no logic in him becoming a candidate while an investigation is underway against him. Elections are often held in Bulgaria. They will have the opportunity, if he is a clean person, to nominate him", said Prof. Burudzhieva.