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Scandal between GERB and Vasil Terziev over the purge in the Metropolitan Municipality VIDEO

325 people have lost their jobs so that 325 people from the PP can find them jobs, the opposition announced

Apr 11, 2024 12:54 136

Municipal councilors from GERB-SDS have warned that a purge is taking place in the Capital Municipality and in the regional administrations. According to Georgi Georgiev, 325 employees have been released from work so far, which has cost the people of Sofia BGN 1.4 million in compensation, BNR summarized.

"For this 1.4 million BGN, the mayor could have built 30 or even 40 playgrounds in the neighborhood. There will be no money for playgrounds. Money for nurses' salaries, you know they were denied two weeks ago. In two months, we would have been able to increase the salaries of the nurses", he commented.

You remember that in the election campaign Terziev reassured that there would be no purge, Georgiev said, accusing the mayor of lying. However, the results were different - 325 employees were dismissed. There is also an epidemic of voluntary leavers, stated the municipal councilor from GERB Georgi Georgiev together with the chairman of the finance commission Dimitar Vuchev.

This cost the people of Sofia BGN 1.4 million in wages and benefits. Terziev himself released 110 people. This means that over 10% in the Metropolitan Municipality are exempt. That's how many were fired in the regional town halls, with the Lozenets region among the record holders, added Georgiev.

"700 salaries with BGN 2,000 compensation - for the whim to employ the staff of the Change in Sofia. In fact, the Change in Sofia and the Capital Municipality has become the Labor Bureau", stated the former head of the SOS.

According to him, the released management team represents only 1% of the total list, all the rest are rank-and-file specialists.

"It is best to work with figures and facts", said Vasil Terziev and called upon everyone to assess, after they are heard, how dramatic exactly what is happening in the municipality is and whether it has had a negative impact on the work.

"In the Capital Municipality, there are 1442 positions according to the staff schedule. 128 employees left after the inauguration of the new administration - or 8.9%.", explained Deputy Mayor for Finance Ivan Vassilev.

Of the total number, 37 people vacated their places because of personnel who were selected or won competitions. "Eight employees have entered the civil service in another administration, 16 have retired, 41 have been released by mutual agreement, 20 - at the employer's initiative against an agreed compensation," reported the deputy mayor. He also gave another figure for the benefits paid - they were for about BGN 727,000. "The payment of benefits is deserved by each and every one of these employees," Ivan Vasilev said next to Mayor Vasil Terziev.