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Unit 5 of the "Kozloduy" NPP is shut down until mid-June

At each annual recharge, a quarter of the cartridges in the reactor will be replaced

Май 5, 2024 14:37 263

Unit 5 of the "Kozloduy" NPP is shut down until mid-June  - 1

Unit 5 of the “Kozloduy” NPP is being shut down. until mid-June. This is necessary because of scheduled annual repairs and refueling with nuclear fuel.

In fulfillment of the diversification program, the reactor will be loaded with cartridges produced by the American company “Westinghouse”. The quantity required for the first replacement was delivered on April 20.

Within each annual reload, a quarter of the cartridges in the reactor will be replaced. Thus, the process of gradual transition to the new nuclear fuel will last 4 years.