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The armed robbery in Shivachevo was for BGN 1,234, stolen from two cash registers in the town hall

At the scene of the robbery, shell casings of different calibers were found, which suggest the seriousness of the robbers' intention and the potential danger they represent

Май 28, 2024 12:52 404

The armed robbery in Shivachevo was for BGN 1,234, stolen from two cash registers in the town hall  - 1

In the small town of Shivachevo, A daring robbery in Sliven attracted the attention of the local authorities. District Prosecutor's Office - Sliven took over the investigation of this audacious crime committed on May 28, 2024.

The robbers shot a security guard to make off with their loot, a move that led to the crime being classified under a specific legal statute emphasizing the use of threats to detain stolen goods.

Details emerging from the investigation reveal a carefully planned operation. Around 3 a.m., the masked criminals managed to sneak into the town hall. Their target was two cash registers, from which they stole sums of BGN 423 and BGN 811.

The situation escalates when a security guard from a private company arrives on the scene. Confronted by the masked thieves, he is met with gunfire before the perpetrators disappear into the night.

The robbery left tangible clues for the investigators. Shell casings of various calibers were found at the scene, suggesting the seriousness of the robbers' intent and the potential danger they posed. These shell casings are now key evidence, with forensic analysis currently underway to determine the specifics of the weapons used.

The reaction of the law enforcement agencies is fast. The employees of the Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs-Sliven are undertaking a complex of operational-search measures aimed at identifying and detaining the persons behind this audacious robbery.

The security guard, who is an important witness to the events, is currently being questioned to shed more light on the incident. While the investigation continues, the people of Shivachevo are hoping for a breakthrough that will bring the culprits to justice and bring back a sense of security to the town.