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The Acting Minister of the Economy demanded the resignation of the entire management of "LB Bulgaricum"

Petko Nikolov ordered that all possibilities for the modernization of "LB Bulgaricum" be considered and that normal working conditions be ensured

Май 29, 2024 12:55 536

The Acting Minister of the Economy demanded the resignation of the entire management of "LB Bulgaricum"  - 1

The Minister of Economy and Industry Petko Nikolov held a meeting with employees of "LB Bulgaricum", who have taken protest actions since yesterday.

It was also attended by the management of the enterprise and representatives of trade union organizations. During the talks, a number of accumulated problems were highlighted and requests were made for an increase in basic salaries, for the provision of specialized work clothing, for compliance with working conditions and schedules for the cumulative calculation of working hours, and others. The broken dialogue between the workers and the management of the enterprise was highlighted, the relevant department reported.

Employees have signaled a large amount of accumulated finished products, which is at risk of not being realized on the market. At the meeting, Nikolov demanded the resignation of the entire management of “LB Bulgaricum” and ordered the State Consolidation Company (DKK), which is the principal of the company, to take the necessary actions for an urgent change and registration of a new board .

The Minister of Economy asked to develop conditions under which, in the shortest possible time, work can be done to increase salaries by up to 30%. Nikolov also ordered that all options for the modernization of "LB Bulgarikum" be considered. and to ensure normal working conditions by fulfilling the instructions of the Labor Inspectorate.

The minister emphasized the strategic importance of “LB Bulgaricum” for the Bulgarian dairy industry and was categorical that it is necessary to restore the social dialogue between the workers and the management of the company and guarantee the sustainable development of the enterprise.