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The court overturned the dismissal of the police chief in Plovdiv - Vasil Kostadinov - imposed on him because of the murder in Tsalapitsa

When you want to fire someone, you must give relevant reasons, Ivan Demerdzhiev, former interior minister and now a lawyer, commented on the decision

Jun 5, 2024 15:42 176

The court overturned the dismissal of the police chief in Plovdiv - Vasil Kostadinov - imposed on him because of the murder in Tsalapitsa  - 1

The Administrative Court in Plovdiv canceled the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs by which he was "dismissed" Senior Commissioner Vasil Kostadinov has been terminated from his service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the press center of the court announced, quoted by

He was released by ministerial order dated October 13, 2023. Kostadinov appealed the order, and his defense was taken up by the former acting interior minister Ivan Demerdzhiev, with whose appointment Kostadinov received the post of director of ODMVR-Plovdiv.

The judicial panel accepts that the disciplinary proceedings against him were conducted in the event of significant violations of the principle of legality, which led to an inadmissible limitation of his right to defense. Separately, according to the judge, the administrative body's conclusion of a serious disciplinary violation is not supported by the factual situation and chronology of events described in the order itself.

The court, after a comprehensive evaluation of the evidence collected during the case, formed its final conclusion on the irregularity and illegality of the appealed order, which is why it canceled the same.

Demerdzhiev commented to our media that this dismissal was obviously not related to the murder of Dimitar Malinov in Tsalapitsa, as it was made public.

"The dismissal is actually because, according to the minister, the regional director Vasil Kostadinov did not exercise control and allowed the head of the RU in Stamboliyski to receive 16 BGN, which is completely absurd," said lawyer Demerdzhiev.

According to Demerdzhiev, it is more than obvious that the reason for the dismissal was formal.

"First the decision to dismiss was made, and then a formal reason was sought for it. This cannot be the procedure. When you want to fire someone, you must give relevant reasons. These, in my opinion, are not relevant", commented Ivan Demerdzhiev.

The decision of the Administrative Court can be appealed with a cassation appeal before the Supreme Court within 14 days of its notification to the parties.