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Borislav Gutsanov: The cold war between BSP and the president did not bring positives, it must be thawed

BSP continues to be a factor in politics, believes the chairman of the parliamentary group of "BSP for Bulgaria"

Jun 22, 2024 11:43 131

Borislav Gutsanov: The cold war between BSP and the president did not bring positives, it must be thawed  - 1

"There is no way to support the first , and the second term, this is extremely clear, this is a decision of the National Council. There should be a dialogue between the political parties regarding the work of the National Assembly. I hope that new elections will not be held and a solution will be found," said Borislav Gutsanov, chairman of the parliamentary group of the "BSP for Bulgaria" in the BNT studio.

In his words, BSP continues to be a factor in politics.

"There is such a people" are one step away from good relations, from partnership, coalition relations. I do not rule out the possibility that ITN will take another path in these two mandates", added Borislav Gutsanov.

He denied that there was a coup in the BSP. "If there is a coup, as claimed, it turns out that Cornelia Ninova's resignation was pro forma. What kind of coup can there be when she has resigned herself?" Gutsanov asked.

Borislav Gutsanov clarified that unification is necessary within the party, but also outside it with other left formations.

"The cold war between the BSP and the presidential institution did not bring positives, it must be thawed. The policy of freezing relations with Radev was one of the worst mistakes of the BSP. There were actions against certain socialists that were not correct," Gutsanov also said.