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Prof. Kalin Yanakiev: The new patriarch should return the church to the church. To shut up those who politicize it

"It is very painful that parties have started to form in our church, the church itself has started to look like a party," the theologian also commented

Jul 1, 2024 18:51 70

Prof. Kalin Yanakiev: The new patriarch should return the church to the church. To shut up those who politicize it  - 1

„It is a lot it is painful that parties started to form in our church, the church itself began to resemble a party.“

This is what he said in the show “Face to face“ Prof. Kalin Yanakiev, philosopher and theologian, in connection with the excitement surrounding the election of the new Patriarch Daniil.

„This was brought into the church by people who have been in it very recently, but have clearly expressed Russophile and pro-Putinist sentiments”,added the theologian.
In his words, these people, on the eve of the elections for a new Bulgarian patriarch, have brought an “apocalyptic alarm” into the society, that some kind of coup is coming.
The professor reminded that the leader of “Revival“ Kostadin Kostadinov even requested the convening of the National Security Advisory Council (NSAC).
„I am an Orthodox Christian and for this reason I would like to invest some trust in the newly elected patriarch. And since it happens to me for the first time that there is a patriarch who is significantly younger than me, as much as 16 years, I would allow myself to tell him something important in my opinion – to return the church to the church, to use an effort to silence those who politicize it”, urged Yanakiev.
The theologian recalled that we are mainly in the church to save ourselves, not in anticipation of the terrible apocalypse.

„I would say to the new Bulgarian patriarch, with the greatest respect for him, that he should bring back the Easter joy. "Orthodoxy is a religion of joy and resurrection, not of apocalyptic anxiety," added the professor.
He also called for an end to the division of groups within the Holy Synod, which he observed after the death of Patriarch Neophytus.