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Citizens with reports to MP Kaloyan Metodiev about inhumane conditions in psychiatry in Kurilo

The Independent People's Representative with a question to Health Minister Galya Kondeva about what is happening in the State Psychiatric Hospital "St. Ivan Rilski

Sep 16, 2024 10:27 57

Citizens with reports to MP Kaloyan Metodiev about inhumane conditions in psychiatry in Kurilo  - 1

Independent Member of Parliament Kaloyan Metodiev asked a question to Acting Health Minister Galya Kondeva after citizens reported numerous problems and inhumane conditions in the State Psychiatric Hospital “St. Ivan Rilski“ in Kurilo.
Here is the full text of the question of Kaloyan Metodiev, entered on 16.09.2024 in the registry of the National Assembly:
“Dear Ms. Kondeva, I am a People's Representative from 25 MIR-Sofia. On the territory of my electoral district is the State Psychiatric Hospital "St. Ivan Rilski“, Novi Iskar. Citizens constantly alert me to serious problems related to the functioning of the state medical facility. According to the accounts of some of them, the conditions there are more than tragic. An elderly man told me directly that it was like in the novel "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". I took the trouble and checked that the other psychiatric clinics on the territory of Sofia (Military Medical Academy, Aleksandrovsk Hospital) are incomparable in terms of management, material base, work with patients and improvement compared to DPB “St. Ivan Rilski“ in Kurilo.
In this regard, I want to ask you:

What control do you have over hospital management? When, how, by what means?
Do you have signals and reports of irregularities related to violence, harassment, mistreatment of patients, informal hierarchies tolerated by the management, bad practices of relations towards and between patients in the DPB “St. Ivan Rilski“? What are they, what do they contain, how much are they, what has been done about them?
Are gifts bought and donations made by relatives as a “peace fee” so that they do not fight and harass their relatives in the state hospital?
Are you aware that there was an external inspection at the hospital last week? Who checked why and what? Do you have data or a report from her?
Do you have any information when the director of the state hospital Tsveteslava Galabova works and devotes time to managing the problematic medical facility in order to improve his professional and material condition, given that he very often gives interviews (mainly for the so-called yellow media), participates in all kinds of political initiatives, committees, lists, beauty contests, writes on Internet forums, is a frequent participant in public and Facebook scandals and arguments?
Do you have any information about a political umbrella over the management of the hospital that has remained for years despite the visible results of its work?

After the tragic case of a patient who was tied up and burned alive in the psychiatric clinic in Varna, society began to become more sensitive to this issue. I do not think that we should wait for tragic events or deaths to pay attention to what is happening in the DPB “St. Ivan Rilski“ in my constituency.
Please answer me in writing“.