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The CEC rejected the claim that the paper for machine voting does not meet the requirements

The Central Election Commission appeals to stop all false statements and suggestions in the public and media space, which aim to instill distrust in machine voting

Sep 19, 2024 19:43 50

The CEC rejected the claim that the paper for machine voting does not meet the requirements  - 1

< p>The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) rejected claims that the paper used for machine voting did not meet the requirements of paper for printers. The position of the commission, distributed to the media, is on the occasion of the words of Veselin Todorov, executive director of "Siela Norma” AD, in BNT today, that the paper used for machine voting does not meet the requirements of the paper for the printers, reported by "Focus".

The CEC recalls that at the beginning of 2023, the commission provided the "BNB Printing Office” JSC complete the requirements for the paper intended for the operation of the SUEMG A-4 Model 517 printer, provided by the machine manufacturer "Smartmatic International Holding B.V.“ and from "Siella Norma“ AD, and has received assurances from the management of the printing house that the paper fully and completely meets them.

Regarding the estimated value of the public procurement for the activities to ensure the machine voting for the elections for people's representatives on October 27, the CEC explains that they have determined an acceptable financial threshold relevant to the value of similar activities for the previous elections on June 9 , bearing in mind that on October 27, only elections for people's representatives will be held. It also includes amendments to the Electoral Code, which required a software modification to print ballots from machine voting, rather than receipts. The CEC paid BGN 1,685,706 for the modification of the software for the elections on April 2, 2023. The commission does not enter into the role of "bargaining and asking for a lower price", as claimed by Mr. Todorov, but in its capacity as a state body protects the expedient, effective and efficient spending of public funds, which are provided by the state budget , stated the CEC.

The Central Electoral Commission appeals to stop all false statements and suggestions in the public and media space, which aim to instill distrust in machine voting, the message also says.

In Varna today, the acting Minister of Innovation and Growth Rosen Karadimov, who is the coordinator for the material and technical provision of the upcoming parliamentary vote on October 27 by the Council of Ministers, announced that the comments that the specialized paper of the BNB for the machines do not correspond to the standard of their importer, are heavy speculation. According to him, laboratories certify that the paper fully meets the necessary requirements.