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Evgeni Minchev as a candidate for deputy: I have to wake people up. Don't get on the young political bikes

The fact that I come from the name of an acronym such as BSP-United Left does not mean that I will be quite the obedient deputy or people's representative. Of course, if this happens, commented the PR expert

Sep 28, 2024 10:43 24

Evgeni Minchev as a candidate for deputy: I have to wake people up. Don't get on the young political bikes  - 1

The election campaign has started and exactly one month remains until the next parliamentary elections. The viewers of NOVA previously asked questions to the PR expert, philanthropist and candidate for deputy from the civil quota of "BSP - United Left". Evgeni Minchev, who answered them in the studio of "Wake Up".
He commented on his work as a whatman in Sofia: “People forget the fact that these 6 years in public transport not only brought me to Sofia, not only disciplined me, but also gave me an inspiration that I did not expect that I could find anywhere&rdquo ;. “I had the privilege of staying and working in Bulgaria when it was most difficult, and not being an economic deserter who left in 1990”, Minchev added.

„The return of the barracks cannot be obtained under the present circumstances, but one can think of military training between 3 and 6 months, which would be taken over by the state and show the men that they should be men in a certain way. Being a man with painted nails and red lips – this is not a man”, he declared.

One of the questions asked by NOVA viewers reads: "Can Evgeni Minchev, if he becomes a deputy, do something about the 6 different trains that travel on the Sofia tracks?" “I have not been a Whatman for 35 years and this will not be my portfolio if I am in power,” Minchev replied.

"The fact that I come from the name of an abbreviation such as "BSP-United Left", does not mean that I will be an obedient deputy or representative of the people. Of course, if that happens.
I will also represent myself because I think there is another number of people who think like me. Or I can create a population of people who never expected they could think in a certain way,'' he said.

According to the sociology of "Trend" after the last election, the largest part of the BSP electorate, 40.6%, comes from the age group 70+. "It is good to be able to help the elderly to increase their pension. I don't think that will be my role. I will rather wake up the rest of the electorate, who either don't know where to vote, who to vote for or what expectations to have from this party," Minchev said.

"What I think I have to wake up in people, being a candidate for MP from the BSP, is to warn them not to get on the young political bikes, political babies whose diapers need to be changed in the next term", added the expert. According to him, we should turn to those who have political experience.