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The new management of the SO is delaying the agreement with the API for the Ring Road

The Metropolitan Municipality has also not solved the problem of strengthening the overpass at the cloverleaf on Bulgaria Blvd. and the Sofia Ring Road to Boyana quarter and the traffic cannot be released for 5 months now, they say more from the Road Agency

Sep 28, 2024 12:48 29

The new management of the SO is delaying the agreement with the API for the Ring Road - 1

The new leadership of the Sofia municipality is inexplicably delaying the agreement with the API for joint maintenance of sections of the republican road network on the territory of the municipality, and it is already hundreds of thousands of BGN in debt. Therefore, there is a danger that the road administration will be forced to introduce vignettes for crossing the Sofia Ring Road. In the past years, it has been maintained on the basis of agreed protocols, on the basis of which the responsibilities for maintaining the route are shared, and the residents of Sofia use it without the need for an e-vignette, which is required for the use of a republican road network.

This is stated in a message from the Road Agency sent to the media. Here is more from the API text:

The Metropolitan Municipality has also not solved the problem of strengthening the overpass at the cloverleaf on “Bulgaria“ Blvd. for 5 months. and the Sofia Ring Road to the “Boyana” and the movement cannot be released. The local authority refuses to sign an agreement with the “Road Infrastructure” Agency. for these activities to enable employment. API cannot undertake the necessary activities to strengthen the bridge, as the property in which they must be carried out belongs to the Metropolitan Municipality.

According to the opinion of the University of Architecture, Construction and Geodesy (UASG), drawn up on behalf of the municipality, traffic can be allowed under the overpass provided that the bridge is protected from impact. API was ready to carry out the necessary activities on the facility, according to its powers, and to open the traffic as early as September 15, but no cooperation was achieved with the municipality.