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Hekimyan: I have the feeling that the Metropolitan Municipality works on a regime "not go a day without a blinder"

The ring road is the property and responsibility of API. And in fact, during these months, there was a huge correspondence between the Municipality of Sofia and the API in order to carry out this repair legally, commented the municipal councilor from PP-DB-SS Boyko Dimitrov

Sep 29, 2024 11:04 50

Hekimyan: I have the feeling that the Metropolitan Municipality works on a regime "not go a day without a blinder" - 1

Without/controversial topics for Sofia commented in "The day begins with Georgi Lyubenov" municipal councilors Anton Hekimyan/GERB-SDS/ and Boyko Dimitrov-PP-DB-SS.
I have the feeling that the Metropolitan Municipality works on a "not a day without a blunder" mode. Saturday and Sunday, two each", Anton Hekimyan said.
As an argument, he pointed to yesterday's news that it is possible to introduce a vignette for the Metropolitan Ring Road.

Boiko Dimitrov countered by explaining that in order to make a repair there must be a legal basis. He explained that this is another legacy problem for which it is not clear who is responsible.
"Because really the Ring Road is the property and responsibility of API. And in fact, during these months, there was a huge correspondence between the Municipality of Sofia and the API in order to carry out this repair legally".

If the repairs are not done legally, after that the Municipality of Sofia must answer to the Prosecutor's Office "why they spent money there", Dimitrov specified.

Anton Hekimyan expressed regret that Boyko Dimitrov was sent to "defend Terziev".