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Alghafari: An election campaign in the version and sense that it has around the world does not work here

"I am convinced that a large part of the voters of these parties, who occupied the rostrum of the National Assembly, felt proud with their behavior. The campaign, if we abstract from the emotions and things on social networks, started already this late evening. It started practically for both sides," said the journalist Plamena Ignatova

Sep 29, 2024 11:29 33

Alghafari: An election campaign in the version and sense that it has around the world does not work here  - 1

Who with whom and how will rule after October 27? Will the weeks leading up to the election be decisive? What new to expect in the 51st Parliament? Journalist Plamena Ignatova, media expert Nidal Algafari and political analyst Slavi Vasilev comment on the topic in the studio of "Wake up".
"I am convinced that a large part of the voters of these parties, who occupied the tribune of the National Assembly, felt proud of their behavior. The campaign, if we abstract from emotions and things on social networks, started already this late evening. It started in practice for both sides," Ignatova said.

"An election campaign in the version and sense that it has around the world does not work here. People know that whatever happens from here on, it will be within the framework of the MPs' attempt for a vote", Alghafari believes.

Who with whom would be a possible formula after the election? According to Vassilev, this is the key question that will determine what will happen. "Bulgarian parliamentarism is dysfunctional to such an extent that sustainable majorities, policies that would help increase the welfare of Bulgarian citizens, will not happen.