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Gamizov: How can Sglobka 2.0 be done if only mortar made from theft and corruption is used for it?

The situation in Bulgaria has reached a complete collapse as a result of the fighting of the 4th organized criminal groups in the person of GERB, PP-DB, the two DPS and the group in the presidency, who want to assemble again, but do not know how to sell this to the Bulgarians

Sep 29, 2024 19:39 43

Gamizov: How can Sglobka 2.0 be done if only mortar made from theft and corruption is used for it?  - 1

Let me clarify something on Sunday morning, because quite a few of my friends are writing to me worriedly - “are you giving up?”.
The fact that I am not on the territory of #Bulgaria is not a “refusal”, but a “reasonable regrouping” for more effective resistance due to the following circumstances, which have not been publicly explained and, accordingly, only suspected by most Bulgarians, who sensibly and wisely (70%) refuse to participate any more in the lie of legitimizing organized crime and serving Russia in the name of "elections" ; in #Bulgaria.
The situation in Bulgaria reached a complete collapse as a result of the fighting of the 4th organized criminal groups in the person of GERB, PP-DB, the two DPS and the group in the presidency, who want to “come together” again, but they don't know how to sell this to the Bulgarians.
It is not for sale.

Energy expert Stefan Gamizov posted this on his Facebook page on the occasion of the political upheavals in our country. Here are more of his words:

How to sell to the Bulgarians “Sglobka 2.0” in which Radev, who has unconstitutionally occupied hundreds of key positions in the state administration, state companies and security services, and Borisov, Peevski and Vasilev have made room for him to become these appointments?
How to sell “Assembly 2.0” without expelling Borisov and Peevski, while Borisov, completely detached from reality, talks nonsense about a village pub, while Tomislav Donchev whispers in his ear and arranges intrigue after intrigue with the idea of soon becoming prime minister with the support of the oligarchs and those sanctioned under Magnitsky, who sell this idea of the Russians and the West as genius?

How to become “Sglobka 2.0”, if for it they only use mortar made from stealing and corruption brand "You to me, I to you" but they killed themselves to lie and cheat for the money in stealing and corruption .
The political, not to mention the human, in these assemblers of stealing, corruption and serving Russia has practically disappeared, and has been replaced by animalistic passions of snarling and gnawing around the table with human flesh, which is the life now and the future of the Bulgarians.
These would-be assemblers, old and new, are only concerned with gaining an upper hand in access to stealing public resources, as well as lying and manipulating everyone and everything in their path.

This is a collapse of society orchestrated by the Russian intelligence services, who encourage and support these processes with manipulation, disinformation and corruption, because Turski Potok and Lukoil must be protected by life and death, and nothing changes in #Bulgaria to a different of the same now.
In this situation of occupation, I have a duty not to provide easy opportunities for my elimination, because already the ranks of the Resistance can be counted on the fingers and the loss of even one of us will be disastrous without even being the most important or even how important - we are few.
As I said yesterday, we have reached the point where we cannot expect help from anyone, because either Westerners have allied themselves with our masks for easy kelepiris, or they are afraid that the world will not find out that Germany participated in state level of stupidity and naivety in creating the first fully specialized EU money theft organized crime group in the person of GERB, or in the US they may start asking questions why they turned a blind eye for years to corporate crime and violation of their own their laws against bribing foreign officials in #Bulgaria.
#Bulgaria is a common tragic failure of the USA and the EU, which in the 90s undertook the task of transforming Eastern Europe from communism to democracy.

A duty, I repeat, that derives from the laws of war, because they won the Cold War and had a duty to take care of the populations of the vanquished countries, as well as to encourage and support the punishment and removal of the criminal communist elites of those vanquished countries.
Successfully or less successfully, all the countries from the former orbit of the USSR that are in the EU managed to become democracies with advanced economies.
Only #Bulgaria failed completely by remaining in the orbit of evil Russia and handing state power into the hands of organized crime groups with Russian ties.
What I said today should be perceived as my consideration of creating a more effective resistance, because as I have said many times, we cannot exist with these people in one place anymore.
They are killing us for real - 3 million of us are dead and unborn, and 1.5 million have fled.
They are killing us with their stealing, corruption, serving Russia and collaborating with every corporate criminal from abroad who has shown interest in #Bulgaria.

Whether we like it or not, a war has been declared on us, which kills the Bulgarians in a new holocaust of stealing, corruption, serving evil Russia and Western corporate criminals.
Is there a Holocaust? Three principles are followed after what was caused by the Nazis to the Jews and the other people destroyed by them in the concentration camps and with the mass murders in Europe during WWII, which apply fully to us Bulgarians now:
1. Do not participate!
2. Don't be silent!
3. Resist!