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The Minister of Culture with reforms in 10 steps to stop schemes to drain the budget

His proposals come against the background of scandals in the performing arts - two theater directors - in Razgrad and Smolyan, are accused of financial abuses

Oct 4, 2024 20:13 37

The Minister of Culture with reforms in 10 steps to stop schemes to drain the budget  - 1

Caretaker Culture Minister Nayden Todorov has unveiled a 10-step reform program to stop budget-draining schemes. He is proposing a single system to monitor ticket sales and state spending money in cultural institutes, BNR reports.
The minister chose Facebook to detail what he proposed to change in the cultural sector, although he hinted that he was pushing for changes in his interview with BNR on Wednesday. His proposals come amid scandals in the performing arts – two theater directors - in Razgrad and Smolyan, are accused of financial abuse.

"What has been happening in recent days, once again shows that the time is ripe for a correction of both the funding methodology of the State Cultural Institutes and the control mechanisms by the Ministry of Culture", writes Todorov on Facebook and proposes a single system for ticket sales, a single system for accounting and human resources management, and a single record-keeping system for registering contracts.
And more - a budget that does not change within the year with set monthly limits, fixing the minimum and maximum number of staff according to a newly created classifier, a system for calculating labor and pay, tailored to the specifics of professions in the cultural sector and objective attestation of the artists and their managers.

Nayden Todorov believes that legal changes are needed, which will be discussed with trade unions and employers and will be proposed to the deputies of the relevant committee in the next parliament.