„It is very important to meet and talk with you, the socialists from the Gotse Delchev region. For me, the time in which I was a member of parliament from the region was a very active period of joint work and left a very good feeling both politically and personally.“ This was stated by the deputy chairman of the BSP and candidate for chairman of the party, Christian Vigenin, in front of the socialists and sympathizers who filled the hall of the Cultural Center in Gotse Delchev.
„I really want to transfer the successful model of governance in Gotse Delchev to the national level - here there is a unified and strong organization of the BSP that works in sync with the mayor and the local administration. Young people are given a chance, there is continuity“, he highlighted the achievements of Mayor Vladimir Moskov, the regional chairman of the BSP Valeri Sarandev and the socialists in the region, who hosted the meeting.
“I decided to run for chairman of the BSP because the party is in a difficult situation. As someone who started from the lowest rung, I know the problems well and offer specific solutions - how to stabilize the BSP, make it stronger. Bulgaria needs this because only a left-wing party can impose a different approach to governance, to overcome growing inequalities. A few super-rich and a vast majority of poor people - this is not the Bulgaria we want, we want a perspective for the young, for families. The BSP must be strong, I believe that I can make it so, with the help of every socialist“, emphasized Christian Vigenin to the Gotse Delchev socialists. According to him, it is imperative to first close the contradictions within the party: “Only united can we move forward. It is no coincidence that my motto, which I follow in conversations with the socialists in the period before the election, is “For a strong BSP! Together!“
“My first steps in politics were in the youth organization. I think I know what young people expect and I have suggestions on how to do it. I intend to give a wider field for expression to the young - for the realization of their ideas. BSP needs active people, believers in ideals, who are not dependent. They should be the new face of BSP, but with the support of people with experience. This bond makes our path forward successful and is the right formula for the development of the party“, the candidate for chairman outlined another of his priorities. “The chairman of BSP must build a very clear mechanism for selecting and promoting personnel. It has often happened that the selection is very subjective, that not the best, but the most loyal to the leader are offered,“ he pointed out.
Christian Vigenin sees in the upcoming party congress an opportunity to rethink the BSP's approach and policies: “We need to chart the path of change together so that we can give Bulgaria the necessary left-wing solutions that will provide people with a better quality of life.“
The BSP Deputy Chairman expects the unification of the left to develop.“Despite some problems that have arisen recently, the BSP UNITED LEFT will gain more and more density in terms of actions and policies, because this is not a coalition for one election, but a unification for a long journey. I believe that every left-wing person will see in it a reason to trust him,“ Vigenin is convinced. He added that the jointly developed pre-election platform "100 solutions for accelerated development of Bulgaria" is a good basis for future actions.
Kristian Vigenin placed another important emphasis - for the BSP to achieve its goals in governance, implement its policies and emerge stronger from it. He considers it extremely important to periodically report to the party on what has been done in power, as well as to keep a distance from the wrong decisions of the other parties in government.
The Socialists greeted Kristian Vigenin's messages with applause and asked numerous questions related to national policy, the new government and the development of the BSP.
Kristian Vigenin explained to them that the BSP supports entering the eurozone, but not hastily, but when we are ready and there are clear guarantees that the economy will not suffer, incomes will be protected and people will not become victims of speculation and increased prices.
The lively meeting ended with a promise to continue the conversation in the coming months.