The unjustified increase in the prices of essential goods creates tension among people and therefore urgent and categorical intervention by the state is necessary to limit the speculative growth in the prices of essential goods, says in a press release Delyan Peevski, leader of the DPS and the PG of the DPS-NOVO NACHALO.
"DPS-NOVO NACHALO will introduce a special law that will guarantee the limitation of speculation and control over traders and producers for the “large consumer basket”.
Political and economic instability are the main reason for these negative processes and Bulgaria is not an isolated case, but it is the responsibility of politicians to protect people first and foremost.
Establishing rules and their observance, protecting against bad practices, backstage agreements, that hit people in the pocket is the task of the state.
Citizens must be sure that their interests and way of life will be protected and supported by the state and we from DPS-NOVO NACHALO as a political force, despite the fact that we are the opposition, will live up to these expectations from the people, because they are our first and main priority. We do not want to wait for high prices to drive people out of the impasse onto the streets, because if politicians do not react to the looming crisis, that is exactly what will happen. We are proposing a solution that will enable people to feel supported by the state."