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Valeriya Veleva: PP came here for Plyachka, not for Change. And even the embassy raised its hands from Petkov. But late

Kiril Petkov had to be removed from any participation in our political life. On time! Because everyone saw that his behavior was comparable to other institutions in the state and politics should not be his field.

Aug 17, 2024 11:54 297

Valeriya Veleva: PP came here for Plyachka, not for Change. And even the embassy raised its hands from Petkov. But late  - 1
ФАКТИ публикува мнения с широк спектър от гледни точки, за да насърчава конструктивни дебати.

Kyril Petkov did not sleep last night and got involved in a political scandal, I learned this morning from the media.

Used the publication of, in which the position of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications against his lies and his attempt "to use the institution and its agencies for manipulation for political dividends" was stated, in order to settle accounts with political opponents.


Yes, Kiril Petkov is a liar and manipulator. I have said it, I have written it many times - from the first moment in 2020, when President Rumen Radev thrust him onto the political scene as the new messiah who will fix Bulgaria, until now. She criticized Radev for this political short-sightedness, for this political sin that he has towards the fate of Bulgaria, imposing some charlatans as the moral pillars of the nation.

Everything that Kiril Petkov and company have been doing since Radev anointed them can be briefly described as follows: treading on rules and laws, wandering in the wilds between truth and untruth with one single goal - power and benefits from the power.

In front of everyone!

And with the blessing of state institutions, partners and even enemies..

Remember the unceremonious falsification of signatures that lawyer Lena Borislavova did (again) at night, in order to ensure her close associate Kiril Petkov the way to the ministerial post. And for which he currently divides his time between the investigation and ticking the stroller with the baby.
And I will always repeat - the beginning was the lie about the dual citizenship, covered up by Radev, then with the encroachment on the Constitution (the one that they later made on the fly), unsanctioned by the right person, and everything was easy from there...

From the first to the present day, the residence of the "sworn offender" Kiril Petkov in management and in politics was accompanied by lies: about the "empty" dam “Pazar dere“; for the “rescue operation” on the ship “Tsarevna“ featuring the Chief of Military Intelligence'; for the European Prosecutor's Office, which participated in the arrest of Borisov; for electric cars in Lovech; for the construction of a battery factory on the site of "Maritsa"; for bringing in the lobbyists from “Gemcorp“ who were brought to him by the American Embassy; for the two tankers, cheaper gas from the USA; for the next seven tankers that were secured, and no one knows where they are; for the supposedly ready interconnector with Greece... And more, and more. Until tonight!

Like that night, and all the days and nights so far, Petkov showered us with nonsense, pointed at enemies, usurping the right to say who is good and who is bad?!

To recall how he broke out in "Panorama": "I want the chief prosecutor to be replaced and to put our own person"; how did he ask to have his KPKOPNI: "First we need to define what it should do and then we will name the right one“, because that is how he understood the reform of the judicial system?!

300,000 voters punished him in the last election, because of the delusion that he would stay in politics honestly and honorably.

Ah, he, the kind, like a village scamp, quite consciously abused power, using it as a tool to satisfy his personal Ego? Offices, security, regulations were harnessed to cover up severe complexes and addictions, carelessly packaged as "matters of our national security"?

Then we wrote and emphasized that this verbal incoherence that Kiril Petkov was spewing from the screen was an expression of shocking infantility, political illiteracy and stupid fantasy. For which we will all pay.

We warned that such a dilettante had never reached the top of the state. And that someone has to stop him.

When they - PP - came to power, I wrote: They came here for Plunder, not for Change. They swooped in like vultures with murderous incompetence and monstrous self-confidence.
The beautiful Lena Borislavova, with the drive of Tsola Dragoycheva and the hustle of Nora Ananieva, dictated to the deputies what "unconstitutional" to pass laws, he twisted their arms to violate moral norms, to trample on regulations, so that the "right people" would be appointed.

She felt like Joan of Arc, waging the Thirty Years' War with the Status Quo to pave the way for Cyrus to the Crown of History.

This is how they ruled - with phantasmagorias, which they sold to us as truth of the last resort.

Then everyone saw how they - PP - collapsed before our eyes under the weight of their own failure, of apparent stupidity, greed and incompetence.

But they also dragged the country down. A crony tried to take control of the state and crashed it, leaving behind such legal, constitutional and institutional chaos as the country does not remember.

And in spite of all this, a few months later they again put the power in their hands. All power! Borisov ceded it to them. Everyone applauded.

And the same continued.

As assembled, no rules.

On November 20, 2023, I wrote: Bind Kiril Petkov! It is already harmful and dangerous!
Because it had become publicly clear that Kiril Petkov:

- cadre in the Ministry of the Interior. He pressured (September-October 2023) the Minister of the Interior, Kalin Stoyanov, to work with certain people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs system and for them to occupy certain positions. The minister admitted this publicly on TV. Now we observe the same!

- personally threatened (October 2023) the Minister of Electronic Government Alexander Iolovski to violate the Law on Public Procurement and distribute some 600 million BGN to companies close to PP-DB. The minister admitted this to the Presiding Council of the National Assembly and because of the threats. And he continues to walk with security even now!

- racketeering on the eve of the second round of local elections (November 2023) GERB leader Boyko Borisov that if Vasil Terziev is not elected mayor of Sofia, Denkov's government will fall. Borisov publicly disclosed this to the media.

- made lists of Bulgarians abroad whom he wanted to include in the special services. "We can import from abroad the chief prosecutor, the head of KPCONPI and people for the anti-corruption services" (2022).

- lied in the Austrian parliament (October 2023) that the reason for our non-acceptance in Schengen was the lack of reform in the Bulgarian services. His lie was exposed publicly by the head of the National Council of Austria, Wolfgang Sobotka, which put our country in a humiliating position.

- revealed himself as an election fraudster - admitted (May 2023) that the ala-bala with Radev tripled his election results.

- lied (April 2023) that his grandmother was in the "Belene" concentration camp, where there was no prison for women. Nor was she repressed for political reasons.

The list of lies that Kiril Petkov spewed was endless!

Who was startled?

Who reacts adequately?

Anyone else who had created 1/10 of what Kiril Petkov accomplished in three years would have long since been thrown out of the public scene and forgotten.

Someone had to hit the table. If we were a country! And if we didn't listen, what would the embassy say.

I wrote it on April 30, 2024.

Because everyone saw that Kiril Petkov was a person harmful to the state.
And dangerous. That he is a pathological liar who produces lies, intrigues and insanities at the speed of his breath.
That he is a repeat offender in his blunders and in running over the laws.

That he is insane for his actions as a politician. He is not aware of what can and cannot, what is legal and what is not, what is permissible for the rule of law and what is absolutely forbidden - that he is desperately irresponsible for the consequences of his actions on the political stage.

And even the embassy raised its hands from him. But late!

In this drive to break the rules, Kiril Petkov's behavior was absolutely unacceptable - unpredictable, neurotic, illogical, unsystematic. He was possessed by the obsession that he was fixing the whole country.

He arrested, he imprisoned, he sent politicians into retirement, he arranged the solitaires of state affairs with the energy of a fortune-teller staring into a crystal ball.

Petkov circulated piles of untruths without making sense of them; lived with illusions that distort reality. Like tonight!

He lived with schemes to the point of insanity for large-scale transactions and for the control of offices. His actions were failure after failure in a fictional world that exists by its own rules. This is a diagnosis that the former publicist of the PP-DB Diana Damyanova explained as follows: "For two years the PP carried a gun in their pocket, loaded and without a safety guard"

Kiril Petkov should have been removed from any participation in our political life. On time! Because everyone saw that his behavior was comparable to other institutions in the state and politics should not be his field.

Then the judicial system in the country had to be set in motion and enter into its main functions - for violating the laws of the country, Kiril Petkov had to bear responsibility like any ordinary Bulgarian.

Today, all this strikes us as a danger that society itself has cultivated. You may allow yourself to be lied to once, you may be lied to a second time, but you cannot knowingly continue to live in a lie that quackery has turned into a norm of behavior.

You can't give your present and your future to hardened crooks who are also obsessed with madness.

And now that we are facing elections again, we will again be faced with this madness - will we accept it, can we govern with it, does this THING become a manager, does it become a partner, does it become at all for a politician?

And because the participants in the political process, I know they have an answer to this question, it's time to make it public before they make us go to the polls again.

And let's face another HUGE LIE!

(B.A Kiril Petkov's midnight post shows that he reads continuously. This can only make me happy. Maybe something will come from what I write)