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How to find out how many km/h the car's tires can withstand

A letter index indicates the maximum permissible speed

Apr 2, 2024 09:59 179

How to find out how many km/h the car's tires can withstand - 1

More than once we have drawn your attention to various inscriptions applied by car tire manufacturers to their products. However, do you know what speed your car's tires can withstand?

In addition to the name and model of the tire itself, on the sidewalls of the tires there are letters and numbers indicating their dimensions, load capacity, date of manufacture and the maximum permissible speed.

And while for the so-called DOT showing week and year of manufacture we have talked about more than once, now we will tell you about the maximum speed at which the given tire can withstand.

It is described on every car tire, but not with numbers, but with a letter located immediately after a two-digit number, which in turn indicates the load capacity of the tire.

With one exception, the letters in question follow the Latin alphabet, and the further back they are in it, the higher the speed limit. Here is a visual representation of which letter corresponds to which speed.