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The Ukrainian parliament has adopted a law aimed at expanding the use of the English language

Increasing the level of English proficiency both by civil servants and by society as a whole is a necessary condition to make the country more attractive to tourists and -internationally competitive

Jun 5, 2024 09:33 134

The Ukrainian parliament has adopted a law aimed at expanding the use of the English language  - 1

The Ukrainian parliament adopted a law aimed at expanding the use of the English language, DPA reported. In the future, a good command of this language will be a necessary condition for occupying a number of government positions, quoted by BTA.

Increasing the level of English proficiency by both civil servants and society as a whole is a necessary condition to make the country more attractive to tourists and more competitive internationally. This is also a “necessary and strategic step towards full membership of the (Ukrainian) state in the European Union”, says the reasons for the law adopted yesterday.

For example, border and customs officials, prosecutors and senior police officers will now need to be able to communicate in English. Emergency calls and the use of medical services should also be possible in this language.

When dealing with the authorities, translations of foreign documents such as passports from English to Ukrainian, which were common until now, will become redundant.

Museums should also make their exhibits available in English. The websites of government institutions and universities, in turn, should offer up-to-date versions in this language.

In order to increase the level of English knowledge among Ukrainian citizens, language lessons are already planned in preschool centers.

Showing films in English with subtitles is also encouraged.

The Ukrainian language is the only official language in the country. Russian, which was widely spoken in Soviet times, has been increasingly banned in public life for years. The Russian language further lost popularity as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, notes DPA.