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Kadyrov looks worried! They are looking for radical extremists in Chechnya as well

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, ordered to intensify the countermeasures against radical ideology in the republic after the terrorist attacks in Dagestan, reports "Interfax"

Jun 26, 2024 12:18 143

Kadyrov looks worried! They are looking for radical extremists in Chechnya as well  - 1

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, ordered to increase the countermeasures against radical ideology in the republic after the terrorist attacks in Dagestan, reports "Interfax".

"In connection with the recent tragic events in Dagestan, I called on the leadership of law enforcement agencies to strengthen their efforts to ensure public safety and prevent terrorism and religious extremism, especially to emphasize the counteraction of radical ideology coming from European countries" , Kadyrov wrote on his Telegram channel.

He noted that all attacks on the lives of law enforcement officers and government agencies will be met with a decisive response.

"I also called on every Chechen to be especially vigilant towards his closest relatives to protect them from the harmful influence of terrorist ideology in this matter, which could lead to serious tragic consequences," the head of Chechnya added.< /p>

We remind you that on June 23, armed fighters attacked a synagogue and a church in Derbent, as well as a church and a traffic police station located next to the synagogue in Makhachkala. As a result, 21 people were killed, including 15 policemen and a member of the Russian National Guard, and more than 20 people were injured. Five militants were eliminated and their identities established. According to the head of the republic, Sergey Melikov, the attacks in Dagestan were carried out by people from the Sergokalinsky region. Later, the head of the district Magomed Omarov was detained and arrested for 10 days. According to preliminary data, one of his sons was among the extremists who carried out the terrorist attack in Dagestan on Sunday.

Criminal cases were instituted under the letter "b" of part 3 of art. 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (terrorist act), part 4 of Art. 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (illegal acquisition, storage, transportation of firearms), para. "a", "b" part 4 of article 226 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (firearm theft).

Dagestan's leader on Tuesday ordered background checks on the country's political elite to make sure none had links to radical Islam after a weekend attack that killed 21 people.

Sergey Melikov, the governor of the Muslim southern region where gunmen attacked churches and synagogues on Sunday night, said he was also opposed to local women wearing the veil with the niqab after reports that one of the gunmen planned to flee wearing a niqab , disguised as a woman.

The attack, the third serious incident in Russia this year linked to Islamist militants, has created a headache for President Vladimir Putin, who says the country must focus its resources on winning the war in Ukraine, something Moscow calls a special military operation.

"I have ordered that the personal affairs of all those who hold leadership positions in Dagestan, including the members of the National Assembly (local parliament), be investigated and checked. We will do it in several stages," Melikov told the deputies.

Melikov's decision reflects concerns that Dagestan's political elite has been infiltrated by radical Islamists after two of the shooters were identified as the sons of a local official, another as having a past connection to a pro-Kremlin party, and another shooter identified as a relative of former senior official.

Former Kremlin adviser Sergei Markov claimed the attack showed Dagestan's elite were "infected" from radical Islam.