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State Department Warns: Don't Travel to Lebanon

Since the start of the Gaza war eight months ago, there have been daily military confrontations between the Israeli military and Hezbollah and other groups in the Israel-Lebanon border area

Jun 27, 2024 16:01 90

State Department Warns: Don't Travel to Lebanon  - 1

The United States has urged American citizens to refrain from traveling to Lebanon due to the "complicated" security environment.

"In particular, we note the Country Summary, which warns that the Lebanese government cannot guarantee the protection of US citizens against sudden outbreaks of violence and armed conflict," the US Embassy in Beirut said.< /p>

Adds that US citizens in Lebanon should not travel to southern Lebanon, the Lebanon-Syria border area, or refugee settlements.

The warning comes amid heightened tensions in the area.

Since the start of the war in the Gaza Strip eight months ago, there have been daily military confrontations between the Israeli army and "Hezbollah" and other groups in the border area between Israel and Lebanon. There are victims on both sides.

The mutual shelling caused serious destruction in towns on both sides of the border.

About 150,000 people have been evacuated or left the war zone. Recently, the situation has escalated further and there are fears of a larger military confrontation in the region if the conflict between Israel and "Hamas" continue.