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Down again! OPEC oil fell to $77 per barrel

The price of a barrel of oil is determined by deriving an arithmetic mean value from the closing price of all varieties of the OPEC basket on the previous business day

Oct 10, 2024 18:35 53

Down again! OPEC oil fell to $77 per barrel  - 1

The average oil price of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) decreased to 77.04 dollars per barrel yesterday, the oil cartel informed today on its website, writes BTA.

On Tuesday, one barrel was selling for $78.26.

To determine the price of OPEC oil, the so-called oil basket is used, including 13 types of oil for export by the cartel member countries: Arab light (Saudi Arabia), Basra light (Iraq), Bonny light (Nigeria). , Es Sider (Libya), Girasol (Angola), Iranian Heavy (Iran), Kuwait Export (Kuwait), Meray (Venezuela), Murban (UAE), Saharan Blend or "Saharan Blend" (Algeria), Rabi lek (Gabon), Djeno (Congo) and Zafiro (Equatorial Guinea).

The historical maximum for the "OPEC basket" is the price of $140.73 per barrel reported on July 3, 2008.

The price of a barrel of oil is determined by deriving an arithmetic average value from the quotations at the time of closing of trade with all grades from the "OPEC basket" the previous working day.