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Trump: Death for every migrant who kills an American!

Former president calls for harshest penalty for killing US citizen or law enforcement officer

Oct 12, 2024 05:33 68

Trump: Death for every migrant who kills an American!   - 1

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump believes migrants should be sentenced to death for murders of American citizens.

"I will round up all the members of the groups consisting of foreigners, and they will be imprisoned or thrown out of our country, so that not one will remain. We will call this operation "Aurora". If they are returned to the US, they will automatically receive 10 years in prison without parole. And I support the death penalty for any migrant who kills an American citizen or law enforcement officer,” he told supporters in Reno, Nevada, on Friday. The rally was broadcast by RSBN.

Previously, Trump said that the United States is occupied by criminals from among illegal immigrants. The contender for the highest state office promised that if he wins the election on November 5, "this day will become the day of American liberation”.