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Russia: US wants to deceive us with nuclear arms control talks

According to Lavrov, Biden wants Moscow to accept Washington's conditions unconditionally

Oct 21, 2024 05:47 61

Russia: US wants to deceive us with nuclear arms control talks  - 1

US President Joe Biden's call to talk of nuclear arms control without preconditions is a hoax. This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in an interview with

„All this is from the evil one. The call to talk about strategic stability and nuclear arms control without preconditions is a fraud. What does "no preconditions" mean? This means that the Americans reserve the right in their doctrinal documents to declare us an enemy, to officially state that their goal is to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia on the battlefield”, the minister said.

According to Lavrov, based on the statements of the American leader, Moscow should accept these conditions and agree with Washington on the reduction of armaments, without requiring the abandonment of the current policy of the United States.< /p>

The Russian Foreign Minister noted that such negotiations should be conducted on the basis of mutual respect, as well as taking into account the recognition by both sides of the fact that there should be no war. “When you are told, let us begin negotiations without conditions, but my goal is to destroy you on the battlefield - is that smart? I think not“, emphasized Lavrov.

The minister noted that we need to talk about it, taking into account all factors, and not “cunningly throw out beautiful slogans behind which lies the desire to obtain unilateral advantages”.

Previously, Biden announced his willingness to negotiate with the Russian Federation, China and North Korea to reduce nuclear weapons without preconditions. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov indicated that the US is urging Russia to negotiate strategic stability without preconditions to try to secure unilateral military advantages, but Moscow is firmly against it.